12 Sept 2013
The Honorable Carl Levin (D-MI)
Chairman, Armed Services Committee
U. S. Senate
Dear Senator Levin:
I read your remarks in The Hill this morning regarding your support for American military strikes in Syria, and your criticism of colleagues who are listening to public opinion on this critical matter.
I believe that the public is absolutely on target regarding the totally reckless policies you espouse, policies not only detrimental to the true national security interest of the United States and both regional and world peace, but policies clearly contraindicated by the Constitution of the United States and international law. When Pat Buchanan and Vladimir Putin are on the same page regarding the dangerous character of what you and your American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) purchased colleagues propose in carrying out Mr. Netanyahu’s War on Syria and Iran, I suggest a complete rethink on your part as both an American and the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Being in Texas, I cannot vote for your reelection. But it might surprise you that I would vote for you if I could, not for reelection to the United States Senate seat you presently occupy for the State of Michigan, but for election to the Israeli Knesset.
You would do a marvelous, dynamic job in working for the people and government of Israel. I’m sure that AIPAC and the Israeli PACs who presently bankroll your career in the United States would be more than happy to launder the money to the Tel Aviv bank of your designation. I do monitor the money you receive as posted every year by the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA).
Pass my loyal suggestion along to your other colleagues working for Mr. Netanyahu. I want all of you to feel loved and encouraged today Inside the Beltway.
Mark Dankof
San Antonio, Texas
U. S. A.