TUT Pod-Broadcast with Palestinian Journalist Sammi Ibrahem

TUT Pod-Broadcast with Palestinian Journalist Sammi Ibrahem

by crescentandcross

THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is The Ugly Truth Broadcast

A cell phone and earpiece that I got free with my plan,

A used laptop computer I got at the pawn shop,

Some wires I got at Radio Shack


THIS is what is driving organized Jewish interests batty–a few rudimentary tools and the will to use them.

Now, on to more important things–

Today Sammi Ibrahem appears LIVE at 4 pm eastern time.

Those wishing to listen live can do so by clicking here–

Those wishing to participate in the discussion can do so by phone by dialing 530.881.1300 and then punching in the access code 179164#

Or by skype by adding freeconferencing.5308811300 as a contact, calling it and then punching in 179164# when prompted.

We also have a chat room as well which can be accessed here–



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