Trump meets with governors after Fauci’s dire warning

Coronavirus: Fauci warns reopening country too soon could cost lives
The death toll from the coronavirus in the U.S. has now topped 83,000, as the battle rages over how to safely reopen the country.
President Trump is meeting with the governors of North Dakota and Colorado this afternoon amid his push to reopen the county, a day after a stark warning from Dr. Anthony Fauci about the dangers of states lifting restrictions too soon.  
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum did not issue a sweeping stay-at- home order. The state has reported 1,647 cases and 40 deaths.
In Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis’ stay-at-home order expired on April 26, and the state has allowed retail and other non-critical businesses to reopen.
Colorado has reported 20,157 cases and 1,009 deaths. Hot spots remain in the state, including in rural Morgan County, which had an infection rate three times higher than Denver as of Monday.
On Tuesday, Fauci, the government’s top expert on infectious disease, warned that states moving to reopen too much, too soon risked more “suffering and death that could be avoided,” and added that it “could even set you back on the road to trying to get economic recovery.”
ared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, said Fauci is “incredibly knowledgeable,” but his advice is among many factors the president is taking into account during this crisis.
“There’s risk in anything,” Kushner told Time magazine. “But the president carries the burden of the 30 million Americans who have lost their jobs due to this historic effort to save lives.”
The Trump administration rejected proposed CDC guidelines for reopening the county last month, the Associated Press reported.
The AP obtained a 63-page CDC document, with more detail than the 17-page draft uncovered last week, that recommended more restrict-ions that the three-phase plan released by the White House last month.
Geoff Bennett will have the new developments from the White House tonight.
Coronavirus: Fauci warns reopening country too soon could cost lives

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