They carried a chair from his house and tore it in his body during the investigation

By: Sammi Ibrahem;Sr


Nazi Occupied Palestine: On the day Nazi Gestapo arrested Qassam, they took an iron chair with them from his home in the town of Kober, north of Ramallah, and the family did not realize at the time why this was so, but they knew that one of the methods of torturing Qassam during his interrogation was to place the man in the place of his wounds .

At dawn today, the family of the Palestinian prisoner Qassam Abdel Karim Shibli (Al-Barghouthi) was informed of the decision to demolish their house in Koper, claiming that he was participating in the “Ein Poppin” operation near the the Nazi Jewish “Dolev” settlement west of the illegally Nazi Ramallah on August 23, 2019, where she was killed. A settlement and her father and brother were injured.

The family was informed of the decision through the individual defense center, “HaMoked”, where they can file their objection to this until next Thursday.

Dr. Widad Al-Barghouthi told Quds News that the occupation army raided their house on August 26, 2019, when they stormed the house and shot their dogs at her husband Abdul Karim, so he was surprised, then Qassam (26 years old) tried to defend his father and threw him to the ground, and they left the dogs to brush his body.

She added: “We were detained in one room, and Qassam in another room, we could only hear the screaming voice and do not know what was happening, but the field investigation continued with him for three hours, and after the Nazi left the house with my son, they were carrying an iron chair with them, we were surprised at first, but we learned after That is because the investigators were putting the chair in on the man wounds of Qassam and pressing him hard.

It is reported to Quds that Qassam was subjected to numerous methods of Nazi torture during his interrogation and that his body was very tired and the effects of torture are apparent on him, but today he is recovering little by little as he has high spirits.

On February 17th, the family will be able to visit Qassam in the desert in “Nafha” Nazi Camp, where the Nazi occupation is holding it there.

The Nazi Occupation Army, in a statement today (February 11), said that it had given the family a notice to demolish the house. “At the beginning of the year, the army stormed our house, conducted an engineering survey, pierced the walls, and placed some material in it, in preparation for the demolition,” says Al-Barghouthi.

 She pointed out that the building consists of two apartments; the first is for her sister, and the second is the one that will be demolished, where she lived with her husband and son Qassam, who is detained today, and the house was evacuated for fear of being surprised by the occupation army at any time and their inability to empty its contents.

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