Seventeen years have passed since the harsh “February” … How is Mahmoud doing today?

17 years have passed since the arrest of Mahmoud Asfour, and despite the harshness of time when he passes in prison, he still raises hope, and the Nazi occupation fights for the freedom that remains in his heart and mind.

The Nazi occupation forces arrested the prisoner Mahmoud Asfour at a checkpoint near the town of Silat al-Haritha, Jenin District, on February 11, 2003. “It was Eid al-Adha and they arrested him while we were going, to visit my sister in Qalqilya, from inside the vehicle that was carrying us, on A special barrier they installed to detain Mahmoud, as the soldiers told us, ”says his brother Alaa Asfour.

Asfour tells us, “After his arrest, Mahmoud was subjected to three interrogation rounds, one of which reached for more than two months, the first in the Jalame investigation center, then they transferred him to the Al-Maskubiyya, and brought him back to Jalameh, to alternate his torture and abuse of multiple groups of the occupation intelligence.”

The Asfour family got accustomed to “a tragic event” occurring in every February, as Mahmoud’s brother says, “This month, Mahmoud was shot by the occupation forces, during confrontations in his town of Ya`bad, in which he was arrested, during which his aunt and his sister’s husband died, so the occupation deprived him of taking a farewell look Both of them, and in the same month he was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. “

“Mahmoud’s parents, due to their health conditions, are unable to visit him where he is being held in Raymond Prison, due to the distance and the abuse inflicted on the families of the prisoners by the jailers of the occupation,” Asfour explains. During his detention, Mahmoud was able to obtain several degrees, adding his brother, in political science and international law and others.

Asfour said, “Mahmoud has a special battle with the empty bowel, with his comrades in the captive movement, in Gilboa prison, years ago, and he was one of the leaders of the strike.” “17 years in prison, it is not easy, but like the rest of the families of the prisoners, some of whom have sacrificed more than us, we live with patience and supplication, to see him free soon,” concluded the prisoner brother Asfour.

In pictures “Al-Qazazin Quarter” .. a long history and authenticity

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