By Cassius Methyl
NEW YORK – CNN Headquarters (Photo:Wikimedia Commons)
Recently, on CNN, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers said “Al Qaeda poses a bigger threat to attack inside US right now than it did before September 11th“
(INTELLIHUB) — People who know what is actually going on in America right now, people who know the signs of another false flag, and find the D.H.S. recent ammo build up suspicious, are seeing all the signs of another ’9/11′ coming.
Anonymous activists sent out a warning for Friday, November 15th, claiming that a 9/11 style attack on a Citi Bank building in L.A. was going to happen.
This warning may have actually prevented it from happening.
They observed that S.W.A.T. drills were being conducted in the area in a manner different from other drills, and they observed that the insurance coverage for the building had been dropped, except for the coverage for ‘special conditions’, related to ‘terrorism’.
The fact that citizens are keeping watch over these things, may be exactly what can stop another huge false flag from happening.
Almost as soon as the Anonymous activists warned of the event in L.A., the FBI released a warning, warning of Anonymous hackers breaching government databases. That could be interpreted as a response to the activists warning about a false flag in L.A..
One more sign that a false flag is in the works, is the mainstream media and government mouthpieces leading the public to suspect that ‘Al Qaeda’ planning an attack in the U.S.’.
On November 15th, the day that the activists warned a false flag would happen, Mike Rodgers, House Intelligence Committee Chairman, went on CNN to claim that “Al Qaeda poses a bigger threat to attack inside US right now than it did before September 11th“.
We will likely observe more and more signs that another ’9/11′ is coming, the same signs that one could observe right before 9/11 happened insurance policies being mysteriously dropped, S.W.A.T. and government drills.
As long as citizens stay alert, and warn of potential false flags, we may be able to avoid another catastrophic event.
The government needs another ’9/11′ to use those 2 billion rounds purchased by the D.H.S., and the 7,400 tanks.
They need another ’9/11′ to put the NDAA to use, and to preserve their power before their valueless dollar collapses.
Stay alert, and we have a fighting chance. Please share this with as many people as possible, so we can be alert and well aware of what these people are planning to do to us.
[1] A Warning From Anonymous – 9/11 Style Attack in LA in May Be Imminent –
[2] Exclusive: FBI warns of U.S. government breaches by Anonymous hackers – Reuters