The Nazi occupation forces arrested 100 Palestinians, most of them from Jerusalem

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

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Nazi occupied Palestine – Jerusalem News: The United Nations humanitarian coordinator, Jimmy McGoldrick, called on the Nazi occupation state to stop the demolitions in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

In the bi-monthly report issued by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, “OCHA”, the occupation demolished 9 buildings for the Palestinians, which led to the displacement of a family of eight and damaging 19 others.

He said that the occupation demolished a house in the Ain al-Dyuk al-Tahta gathering near Jericho, which provided humanitarian aid, while it demolished five buildings that provided humanitarian aid, as well, in the Deir al-Qalt gathering.

The United Nations indicated that settlers uprooted 470 olive trees in different areas of the occupied West Bank, while physically assaulting a number of Palestinians in the Hebron and Ramallah governorates.

The weekly average of settler attacks increased by 80% since the beginning of last March, compared to January and February.

The occupation forces carried out 99 incursions and arrests in various parts of the occupied West Bank, and arrested more than 100 Palestinians, 55 of whom were from occupied Jerusalem.

The occupation forces continued their attacks against farmers on the borders with the occupied lands in eastern Gaza, where the report indicated that they had fired more than 48 times on farmers and sheep herders.

The Nazi occupying forces also hit a fisherman with rubber bullets in the head, and assaulted the boats of other fishermen during their work in the Gaza Strip sea.

The Nazi occupation issued 62 administrative detention orders last month


The Palestinian Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority said that the Nazi occupation authorities issued 62 “new and renewed” administrative detention orders against a number of prisoners during the month of April.

The authority stated in a statement today, Monday, that the prisoners are:

1. Muhammad Jad Allah Crusader / New Order

2. Musa Muhammad Musa Abd Rabu / a new order

3. Suhaib Ali Shukri Junaidi / A new order

4. Raafat Nimer Abdullah Al-Masalmeh / A new order

5. Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Al-Zughair / A New Order

6. Ahmed Mahmoud Yaqoub / Extension

7. Muhammad Jabr / a new order

8. Toxic safety wars / new order

9. Abdel Hadi Mohamed Elias Aisha / Extension

10. Jamal Amer Rawajbeh / Extension

11. Muhammad Osama Alawneh / Extension

12. The weight of Muhammad Hamdan / extension

13. Muhammad Raed Hawareen / Extension

14. Omar Youssef Harenat / Extension

15. Osama Mohamed Sawalmeh / Extension

16. Bilal Mahmoud Sweiti / Extension

17. Alaa Ali Shuli / Extension

18. Ali Afif Sawalmeh / Extension

19. Ahmed Nasri Rashid / Extension

20. Muhammad Ahmad Alqam / Extension

21. Nadim Ibrahim / Extension

22. Muhammad Fares / Extension

23. Ali Abdul Rahman / Extension

24. Maher Makram Burgan / Extension

25. Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Tair / A new order

26. Suhaib Yousef Saeed / Extension

27. Alaa Samih Al-Araj / Extension

28. Muhammad Fawzi Khanafsa / A New Order

29. Zaid Abdel Nasser Deaisat / Extension

30. Hassan Ziyad Awwad / Extension

31. Zahran Zahran Ibrahim Zahran / Extension

32. Muhammad Nayef Abdul Rahman / Extension

33. Musab Mustafa / Extension

34. Akram Ali Othman Salamah / Extension

35. Ismail Ahmed Hawamdeh / Extension

36. Good Facilitation of Wars / Extension

37. Hassan Mohammed Al-Zaghari / Extension

38. Omar Muhammad Khidr / Extension

39. Hatem Taher Shaheen / Extension

40. Mohamed Khafseh / A New Order

41. Ahmad Suleiman Qattamish / Extension

42. Ramiz Yousef Melhem / A New Order

43. Yusuf Balawi weighs a new order

44. Mustafa Atiya Jabreen Al-Hasanat / A new order

45. Omar Khadr Shakhsheer / new order

46. ​​Mohamed Fakhry Atrash / A New Order

47. Suleiman Salem Qassem Abdul-Rahman / Extension

48. Qasim Musa Muhammad Halayqa / Extension

49. Saji Mohammed Abdul Latif / Extension

50. Bushra Jamal Al-Tawil / Extension

51. Ahmed Abdullah Burgan / Extension

52. Rami Rizk Fayek Fadayel / Extension

53. Muhammad Abdul Karim Faraj Allah / Extension

54. Ja`far Abdullah روجAroj / Extension

55. Nabil Naeem Ishaq Al-Natsheh / Extension

56. Hassan Ibrahim Dawood / Extension

57. Hamza Nader Azmy Abu Hillayel / Extension

58. Fathi Hamad Allah Sharif Arar / Extension

59. Issam Hussein Mohammed Al-Mashareqa / Extension

60. Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Abu Zada ​​/ Extension

61. Mubarak Alyan Mohamed Ziadat / Extension

62. Jawad Muhammad Yahya Jad Allah Al-Jabari / Extension

Editor Mohamed Bisharat was released from captivity to fight cancer


The health condition of cancer editor Muhammad Mahmoud Bisharat, 42, from Tamoun, near Tubas, in the occupied West Bank, has deteriorated.

The Palestinian Prisoner Club said in a statement that the editor, Bisharat, was released last year after spending his 17-year sentence, and he suffered six months before his liberation from serious health symptoms. During this period, the Prison Administration of Israel prolonged the diagnosis of the disease, and only transmitted it. Frequent prison clinics, and give him painkillers.

Until the last two months before his release date, a doctor at Megiddo Prison informed him that his symptoms indicated that he had cancer.

After his release in June 2019, his condition fell sharply, where he conducted a series of medical examinations, which confirmed that he had cancer in the glands, and started a continuous treatment trip until today, and two days ago there was a new deterioration in his health condition, where he lost consciousness and was transferred again to Hospital, it was found a problem in one of the main arteries in the brain.

The club affirmed that the case of the prisoner is another indication of witness to the crime of medical negligence (slow killing) to which the prisoners are subjected, and with its tools, most notably the policy of procrastination.

Over the past decades, dozens of editors have suffered from serious illnesses that accompanied them after their release, except for the prisoners who were martyred in the Nazi occupation Camp as a result of medical negligence, there are a number of others who were martyred after their release shortly after the liberation, including: “Hayel Abu Zaid and Sitan al-Wali From the Golan, Fayez Zaidat, Murad Abu Sakout, Zakaria Issa, Zuhair Lubbadah, Ashraf Abu Dhurya, Jaafar Awad and Naeem Al-Shawamreh. ”

The Prisoners Club renewed its demand for the need for serious intervention to release the sick prisoners, especially with the continued spread of the epidemic. It is noteworthy that about 700 prisoners in the occupation prisons suffer from various diseases, including about ten prisoners suffering from cancer and tumors of varying degrees.

Updated It coincided with violent confrontations … a campaign of arrests and sweeping raids in Nazi occupied Jerusalem


The Nazi occupation forces launched a campaign of arrests and sweeps in the city of Jerusalem at dawn today, Tuesday.

Since the early hours of the dawn, the occupation forces stormed the village of al-Issawiyah, northeast of the city, and spread to a number of its neighborhoods.

It also began a raid on the homes of a number of Palestinians, as youths confronted them with stones, Molotov cocktails and fireworks.

This was followed by violent clashes between the two sides, during which the occupation forces fired grenades, sound and rubber bullets, and no injuries were reported among the Palestinians.

After hours, the occupation forces launched a campaign of raids on Palestinian homes, to arrest each of Mahmoud Ramadan Obaid, Mahmoud Muhammad Obaid, Diaa Ayman Obaid, Amir Awad, Youssef Ali Al-Kiswani, Abboud Derbas, and Dawood Obaid.

They also raided the homes of other youths in the village to arrest them, but they were not in their homes the moment the Israeli forces stormed.

On the same level, the occupation forces arrested Major General Bilal Al-Natsheh, Secretary-General of the National People’s Congress for Jerusalem from the Old City, and his assistant, Major General Imad Awad and Lt. Col. Muadh Al-Ashhab from the town of Beit Hanina.

The sources pointed out that the occupation forces searched their homes accurately, causing damage to them, before arresting them and transferring them to Gestapo investigation center.

The Nazi occupation forces stormed the town of Al-Tur, east of the city, and raided the house of the author, Rania Hatem, then searched and arrested her, and took her to investigate.

Jad Allah Al-Ghoul was also arrested from his house in the town of Silwan, and the head of the Islamic Cemetery Committee, Hajj Mustafa Abu Zahra, after they raided and searched his house in Jerusalem.

The Nazi occupation issues 360 administrative detention decisions since the beginning of this year


The occupation authorities have issued 360 administrative detention orders since the beginning of this year, according to the Palestinian Prisoners Studies Center.

The Center said in a statement today, Tuesday, that despite the Corona pandemic and calls for the release of administrative prisoners held without charge, the Nazi military occupation courts continue to issue administrative orders, where 360 ​​administrative decisions have been monitored since the beginning of this year.

He added that the occupation did not stop issuing administrative detention orders against the Palestinian prisoners despite the real danger to their lives, in light of the spread of the Corona pandemic and the appeals issued by many international institutions, including the United Nations, to the need to release the detained administrators without indictments.

He explained that among the decisions, 242 decisions were issued to renew administrative detention for periods ranging between two months to six months, and up to five times for some prisoners, while 118 administrative decisions were issued against prisoners for the first time, most of whom were released prisoners who were re-arrested.

He stated that three women prisoners are still being held without administrative detention; Bushra Al-Tawil (26 years) from Al-Bireh, Shurooq Muhammad Al-Badan (26 years) from Bethlehem, and Shatha Hassan from Ramallah, and two underage children are under administrative detention.

And the Nazi occupation is holding about 450 administrative prisoners in its prisons, most of whom are released prisoners who spent different periods of time in prisons and were re-arrested again, including three members of the Palestinian Legislative Council. 

The Center considered that administrative detention is a criminal policy, aimed at depleting the ages of Palestinians behind bars without a legal basis, except for the whims of the intelligence service officers who manage this file, and dictates instructions for moot courts to issue new administrative orders or renew for other periods based on secret files that no one is allowed to see .

He also called on international institutions to urgently intervene to release the detained administrative prisoners without charge, in light of concerns over the prisoners ’lives that Corona virus has arrived in Nazi Camp.

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