Accusations of "Cairo Amman Bank" to suspend the accounts of freed prisoners

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied West Bank: The Cairo-Amman Bank, which is one of the banks coming to Palestine, closed the accounts of the released prisoners, after taking all measures against them as well.

For his part, the former Minister of Prisoners, Wasfi Qabba, explained that the bank started to stop the ATM cards of released prisoners and families of prisoners, and demanded them to make a clearance to transfer their accounts from the bank.

He added to ” Quds News “, that a number of editors and the families of the prisoners faced the same issue in the aforementioned bank, who were known as: “Moatasem Sitii from Jenin Camp, Nidal Abd al-Hadi from Jenin, and Amina Alyan, who is the wife of a prisoner from Tulkarm.”

He stressed that “the bank’s move is not legal, non-national, and unethical, and there will be a series of protests and the legal obligation of banks not to respond to the occupation’s decisions.”

He continued her title in a Facebook post: “I was surprised that Cairo Amman Bank decided to comply with the decisions of the occupation and respond to its pressures, predominantly the interests of the bank over the interest of the prisoners who are the focus and dynamism of the national work and the link of the authentic national trends, whether in individuals or institutions.”

According to its title, “bypassing the institution for the interests of the Palestinian people and specifically the prisoners’ segment of them, it is considered abandonment of its national role, and by this it reveals the backs of those who are crucifixion and chemistry of national action, and makes them a grab for the occupation.”

He stressed that this decision is in full compliance with the occupation’s decisions and military orders, and in response to the threats that the bank must reject first and foremost, and every other institution, whether it is a bank or other business institution.

He asked: “Is there a ugliest, dirtier, and coward than the citizen fighting with his livelihood, so how is the matter when the flower of his youth and his years of life is fought for the freedom of the homeland and its people, and for this institution to have a presence on the Palestinian scene?”

He called on human and human rights institutions working in the field of prisoners and liberators affairs to call for an urgent meeting to develop a plan of action and communication with all relevant parties.

For his part, the activist Moamen Al-Asad said that the decision is a stab in the back of the Palestinian people and submitting to the dictates of his enemy, considering that keeping silent about such a measure will be an entry point for all banks to catch up with Cairo Amman Bank, by restricting the prisoners.

He continued by saying: “If the news is correct, the least action that needs to be taken is to boycott the bank and close all its branches in the West Bank and Gaza,” adding: “According to the Palestinian revolutionary law, such a measure is a great betrayal, subject to enemy agendas, intentionally helping the enemy, to harm With the forces and elements of the Palestinian revolution, and from the security of the punishment, he offended literature. “

Hamas: The Nazi occupation creates a media infusion of the exchange deal to achieve 3 goals


Hamas announced, through an official source in it, today, Tuesday, that there is no qualitative progress in the exchange negotiations with the mediators with the Nazi occupation.

She explained in an official statement on its website, that the occupation, at its political level and its targeted media, is working to create a state of media pressure on the issue of exchange.

The movement indicated that the occupation aims, through this campaign, to evade the benefits of the initiative proposed by the movement, and to mislead the families of the Zionist prisoners.

The Nazi occupation also seeks to put pressure on the morale of the Palestinian prisoners and their families.

The movement called on everyone to refrain from building on what is reported by the programmed occupation media, and in the event of any new event, the resistance will announce it.

The Nazi occupation forces arrested four Palestinians from Jerusalem and Hebron


Today, Thursday, four Palestinians, including a boy, were arrested by the Nazi occupation forces after they destroyed their homes in Jerusalem and Hebron.

According to local sources, the occupation forces arrested at dawn today. Ayed Abu Sneineh, Bashar Al-Qawasmeh and Ahmad Ali Hassan, after storming and searching their homes in Hebron.

She added that the Nazi occupation police forces arrested the boy, Yahya Maher Zughair, from the “middle neighborhood” in Silwan, occupied Jerusalem.

The Nazi occupation forces storm every day several cities in the West Bank and towns and villages in the city of Jerusalem, and storm and search Palestinian homes during the hours of dawn, causing panic for children and women.

Al-Shabiya reveals to Quds the reasons for its representative’s withdrawal from the Ramallah meeting

Zionist puppet Abbas: We are in solution of all the agreements signed with the occupation and America

Palestine Astronomical Observatory: Next Sunday, the first day of Eid Al-Fitr

Editors: The bank has informed us that our accounts have been closed with “high orders”.


The step of one of the foreign banks to Palestine regarding the suspension of cards and accounts of prisoners and editors has received widespread criticism and accusations of non-affiliation and denial of an issue of the most important Palestinian priorities.

In this context, released prisoners talked about their positions with “Cairo Amman Bank”, the mechanism of informing them of disabling their ATM cards, and telling them to suspend their accounts based on a “high external decision.”

For his part, the liberated prisoner, Bilal Yamin, said that a few days ago he was surprised by a message on his mobile phone, stating that his ATM card was disabled, so he called the bank and told him at first that it was “by mistake”, adding: “I went after that to withdraw the money but the ATM reported the presence of Faulty, so I went to the branch. “

In his interview with Quds News, he explained, “I went to the bank branch in Ramallah, and the manager asked me and said:” As a brother, there is a decision from higher authorities from the bank to close your account, so I told him: You have become a partner of the occupation in implementing its policies against the prisoners. “

He explained that the bank manager told him that he expected popular opposition and accusations of patriotism. He continued, “I told him that we do not want to trump anyone, but you should also expect a violent response from the families of the prisoners, possibly taking you out of the Palestinian market after this procedure.”

According to the editor, Yamin, the branch manager asked him to withdraw his money from the bank, and to start clearing procedures with the persons whose checks are required to be paid, in an appropriate manner.

He assured “Quds” that he will go to the judiciary and assign a lawyer to file a case to try the bank, stressing: “There will be a strong reaction from the freed prisoners and the families of the prisoners, who constitute a large percentage of the Palestinian people, against the bank’s policy that has become a tool in the hands of the civilian administration of the occupation, That wants to punish the families of the prisoners and martyrs. “

Bank: orders are up

For his part, the former prisoner, Mahmoud Hammash, said, “After spending 14 years in the occupation prisons, I went out two years ago, and I joined Banque du Caire, Amman, but I was surprised by a letter stating the cancellation of my account’s ATM card.

In his interview with Quds News, he added: “I went to the Bethlehem branch, and found a number of freed prisoners and families of prisoners, so I expected a decision against the prisoners.”

He explained that the procrastination and the arguments started with the branch manager saying that he had no knowledge about the issue, and we called the main branch in Ramallah, so they said tomorrow you will receive your salaries and then we will renew the cards for you. “

The next day, according to Hammash, I went back to the branch in Bethlehem and found liberated friends, and also prisoners’ families. Then the branch manager told us clearly, that we must withdraw all our money from the accounts and close them, because there are “higher orders.”

He indicated in his speech, that the released prisoners must take steps on the ground against this policy that seeks to punish the released prisoners.

And he demanded the Palestinian Authority, the Monetary Authority and the Ministry of Finance, a clear position on what happened and they are charged with protecting us from the occupation policy to avenge us. According to Hamash.

For his part, Adel Shadid, a Palestinian researcher on Israeli affairs, said that banks are required today to determine who is their authority, is the Israeli military leader of the West Bank, or the Palestinian Authority and the Monetary Authority.

He explained that if the banks decide to choose their authority the Israeli leader, then the authority will have to answer, is it the decision-maker or the Israeli military leader.

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