The Nazi occupation army arrested four Palestinians from Hebron

By: Sammi Ibramem,Sr


Nazi Occupied Palestine: At dawn today, the Occupation Army arrested four Palestinians from Hebron, south of the occupied West Bank.

Local sources reported that the army forces stormed several areas in the Hebron Governorate, and raided Palestinian homes and searched them before arresting a number of young men.

She added that he knew from the detainees at dawn today; the wounded boy, Nour al-Salibi, Muhammad Awad, and Saad Zaqaq from the town of Beit Ummar, north of Hebron.

Meanwhile, the Nazi occupation army arrested Anas Tayseer Al-Awawdeh from the town of Dura, south of the city.

On a daily basis, the occupation army storms several areas in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, exploding doors, storming homes and terrorizing children, on the pretext of searching for “wanted” persons or searching for suspects of stone-throwing or Molotov cocktails towards Nazi soldiers or Nazi Jewish settlers.

In most cases, the Palestinian youths confront the army by throwing stones, Molotov cocktails or fireworks towards them, in refusal of the abuses it is carrying out against the Palestinians, and the army responds with bullets and bombs. 

Nazi Occupation police arrest two young men from Al-Aqsa, one of them with special needs


The Nazi occupation police extended the arrest of the two young men who were arrested from Al-Aqsa Mosque this afternoon, Wednesday, for presentation to the Nazi Magistrate’s Court tomorrow.

Quds newsletter reported that the Nazi occupation police strengthened the presence of its forces in the Old City in Jerusalem, and deployed its members to its doors, which were closed to Palestinians.

She added that the police stationed at the doors of Al-Aqsa Mosque also closed all of them, without knowing the reason for these sudden reinforcements.

This was followed, the occupation police arrested and took two young men from inside its police station on the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa Mosque and took them to investigate.

The Al-Qarawi family of Jerusalem reported that the Nazi occupation officer informed them of the arrest of their 18-year-old son, Khalil Muhammad Hashem Qarawe, from inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

She added that the reasons for his arrest were not known yet, and that the occupation police transferred him to her center on Salah El-Din Street.

After hours of investigation, the Jerusalem family reported that the Nazi police transferred him to an investigation in the “Al-Qishleh” center, west of Jerusalem, and then extended the arrest of Qarawi to present him to the Magistrate Court tomorrow.

She emphasized that her son was severely beaten by the occupation forces, even though he had special needs, as the Nazi occupation accused him of carrying a knife while he was at the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

While the identity of the second young man who was arrested from Al-Aqsa Mosque was not known.

12 martyrs from the occupied territories and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year

The Nazi occupation is afraid of the implementation of the Ramallah commando, new operations

What is the total area of ​​the walls built by the Nazi occupation to protect itself?

Nazi police reveal the scenes of kidnapping of the child Al-Bitar

Video A Palestinian policeman was killed by the Nazi occupation army in Jenin

Video from zero distance .. Watch A shooting operation targeting the Nazi soldiers at Bab Al-Asbat

Zionist puppet Ab-A$$ today sent a message in his handwriting to “Netanyahu” .. What did he say about it?

The resistance in Gaza bombed tanks of the occupation by “a drone”

Nazi Occupation Sheikh Nour Al-Din Al-Rajabi is away from Al-Aqsa for 6 months

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-29 at 12.46.25 PM

Today, the occupation authorities handed over a decision of Sheikh Nour al-Din al-Rajabi, from the town of Beit Hanina, north of occupied Jerusalem, to remove him from the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the roads leading to it, for a period of 6 months.

Al-Rajabi explained to “Al-Quds News,” that he had received a decision to remove him from Al-Aqsa for a week, after he was summoned for investigation by the occupation police, last week, and after the end of the current decision, he was handed over the six-month deportation order signed by the commander of the Jerusalem Brigade in the occupation police.

Al-Rajabi said, “The occupation police claim that the deportation decision came against the background of his incitement to demonstrate in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which he strongly denies, as he only calls to pray in the mosque, and rejects the charges brought by the occupation to him.”

Al-Rajabi indicated that he was subjected to deportation from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, twice previously, and that the occupation forces arrested him several times, the last of which was in the month of Ramadan.

In a related context, the occupation issued a decision to expel the liberated prisoner, Yaqoub Abu Asab, from the Al-Aqsa Mosque, for a period of 6 months, and Asad Ajaj from the Old City and Al-Aqsa for 15 days.

While local sources reported that the occupation summoned the investigation, the secretary of the Fatah movement in the old city of Jerusalem, Nasser Qaws, the secretary of the movement in Al-Issawiya, Yasser Darwish, and the activists, Asaad Ajaj, Raed Salhab, Hamza Nimr, and Farid Al-Basiti, from the old city.

Prisoner Shweiki … the holder of insights and the barber of the “Negev” Nazi camp.

His family was not allowed to visit him .. Preventive continues to arrest activist Humaidan

A time bomb in Hebron .. Will the security armistice succeed in dismantling it?

The Nazi occupation suppresses a pause in Jerusalem

WhatsApp Image 2020-01-29 at 4.00.58 PM

The Nazi occupation forces assaulted the participants, in a stand in Bab Al-Amoud in occupied Jerusalem, in rejecting the “deal of the century”.

And the horse-riding teams of the occupation forces deployed in the area, and chased the participants in the sit-in, amid chants from them, to affirm the Arab identity of Jerusalem and reject the occupation and the deal.

Our correspondent reported that the Nazi occupation forces arrested a boy, as a result of the column, in addition to the young man, Areen Al-Za’anin, amidst the spread of the “Arabists” unit in the place.

The Nazi occupation forces also assaulted the Palestinians in Bab Al-Sahra, and arrested 3 of them after they closed the doors of the old town, before opening them again.

The Nazi occupation forces also arrested two young men, from inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, this afternoon, after they beat them.

In a related context, Shuafat camp, northeast of occupied Jerusalem, witnessed confrontations with the occupation forces. Deal of the Century

“We Are All _ Sheikh_Aqsa” campaign of broad solidarity with Salah before his trial

12 martyrs from theNazi occupied territories and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year

Nazi camp “Ofer” prisoners decide to return the breakfast

The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority reported Thursday evening that the Israeli Occupation Prisons Administration transferred the prisoner Ismail Ali Al-Mudarib from food yesterday, 37 days in a row, against his administrative detention, from isolating the Negev to isolating the prison of Aila.

The prisoners in the Nazi camp “Ofer” prison and all the factions decided to return the breakfast meal tomorrow, Thursday, in protest against what happened to the prisoners, the children who were transferred to “Damoon” prison, and today they number (31) children.

The Prisoner Club, in a statement, stated that this step will be implemented in all departments and with the participation of all factions, as a first response to the intransigence and persistence of the Nazi occupation prisons administration in its refusal to return the child prisoners, or allow their representatives to manage and organize their detention life, as was the case before the transfer.

The Nazi Occupation Prisons Administration, in a sudden step, and on the 13th of this month, has transferred (34) children from “Ofer” prison to “Damon” prison without their representatives, and continues to detain them in tragic and difficult circumstances, in a section that does not meet the minimum conditions for human life, Apart from the attacks carried out by the repressive forces against them since their transfer, many of them were threatened and isolated.

Video A young woman was arrested and taken to the Jerusalem investigation center

The Disciplinary Council for Judges dismisses the lawsuit filed against Dr. Ashkar

The decision to ban the export of Palestinian agricultural products to the world comes into effect

Minors detained in Al-Damun Nazi camp in isolation


The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority confirmed today, Thursday, that the Nazi occupation prisons administration imposes on minor detainees in the Nazi camp “Damoon” isolation from their internal environment and the outside world, in addition to the punitive approach that they exercise against them daily, since they were transferred from the camp. Ofer “more than two weeks ago.

Following its lawyer’s visit, the commission indicated the captive of the detainees of minors from Jerusalem, the captive Muhammad Abbad, who is in a separate section from the detainees in the West Bank, and the detainees of the minors, Mahdi Hassan Salah Al-Din (17 years), and Ahmed Muhammad Al-Khatib (17 years), from the town of Hazma, Quds District, and the people who are In the West Bank section, the prison administration did not allow any of the prisoners ’representatives to visit the minors’ section for more than ten days, nor does it allow the prisoners in the same section to mix and communicate, as all five prisoners are isolated in one room, and they take them out to shower and spree each group separately And it prevents them from communicating with the outside world And punished with deprivation of family visits for periods between two and four months, and only communicate with the outside world to visit the lawyer for prisoners’ body, in addition to pursue daily and repeated incursions policy rooms detainees and searched and beating them, and provoke fear and terror among them.

The lawyer for the detainees quoted the detainees as saying that the section in which they live is not suitable for human life, which is an underground cellar, and does not enter the sun and air, and is filled with insects and mice, and the smell of moisture suffocating, and it lacks blankets and bedding, and what is called the “fort” A narrow corridor between the rooms, adding that when they are allowed to shower, the jailers lock the door on them with the key by claiming that they pose a danger to them, while noting that the bathroom (toilet) is without a gate, so the detainees use a mattress to close it.

They added that the prison administration provides them with bad quantitative and qualitative meals, and they have to eat them in order to survive, and deprives them of “cantina” purchases in which the prisoners usually compensate themselves for the poor administration food, and also deprives them of the necessary daily needs such as a brush and toothpaste, shampoo and cleaning materials. , Heating and cooking appliances.

The detainees affirmed that the majority of them had illnesses, especially cold diseases, as a result of poor prison conditions and repeated attacks on them, and that they suffer from a difficult psychological situation, and the prison administration does not provide them with any kind of treatment.

While the detainee Ahmad Al-Khatib indicated that the camp administration and the repressive forces do not exclude him from the daily attacks against minors, despite the fact that the Nazi occupation forces had arrested him while he was in his knee, and he had been in the “Ramla prison clinic” for two months at the beginning of his detention, and what He still suffers from severe pain in his knee, and his condition becomes more difficult with assaults, beatings, bad conditions and extreme cold.

The authority indicated that the administration of the Damon Prison had committed the minors from the first day of their transfer, and its climax was in the first four days, after announcing the protest against the poor conditions of the prison and the absence of representatives of the adult prisoners with them, as is the practice in the minors’ departments in “Ofer” and “ Megiddo “and the Jerusalem Minors’ Department in” Al-Damoun “, and I responded to them by calling the camp suppression units that imposed isolation conditions on the detainees, cut off the electrical current and water from them, confiscated their clothes and purchases of” cantina “from canned food and personal hygiene items, and they stormed their rooms every hour, and attacked They should be beaten severely They sprayed the gas, fixed them on the ground while they were handcuffed for hours, depriving them of showering, and transferred seven prisoners to solitary confinement in other prisons. After announcing the hunger strike, she brought three prisoners from the “Ofer” from and “Megiddo” Nazi camp.

The authority stated that the Nazi Occupation camp Administration had transferred (34) minor detainees from “Ofer” prison to “Damoon”, on January 13th, without allowing their representatives to accompany them, and allowed them to carry their clothes, one cover, a pillow, and a mattress cover for each of them, in addition to To simple food purchases of “cantina” were confiscated in the “Damon”, and without allowing them to carry other necessary items that are in the prisoners’ rooms, such as water heaters and cooking appliances.

It is noteworthy that the Damon prison contains three sections for security prisoners, a section for minor detainees from the Jerusalem identity campaign, represented by a committee consisting of four senior prisoners, and a section for female prisoners, in addition to the new section to which minor detainees were transferred from the West Bank, bearing in mind that the prison administration It separates the three sections and does not allow them to mix, while the rest of the detainees, who are confined to “Ofer” and “Megiddo” camps, are represented by representative committees before the occupation prisons administration.

The Nazi occupation assaults the female prisoners in Damoon Prison


Nazi occupied Ramallah: Palestinian sources reported that the Nazi Prison Authority authorities in Damoun Prison assaulted the female prisoners in prison after they refused to release one of the sick prisoners to the so-called prison court in the prison.

Private sources reported to the “Quds Network” that the sick prisoner had refused to stand for the daily number in prison because of her exhaustion.

In a related context, the child prisoners suffer from very poor conditions of detention, as sources report that they are not receiving the necessary treatment; in addition to recording cases of drinking water contamination that reach them through the administration of the camp Authority; and they were not able to enter their supplies from abroad or what is known In prisons in the cantina.

The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority confirmed, today, Thursday, that the Nazi Occupation Prisons Administration imposes on minor detainees in the “Damon” isolation from their internal surroundings and the outside world, in addition to the punitive approach that they exercise against them daily, since they were transferred from Ofer Nazi camp more than two years ago. Two weeks.

Nazi occupation arrests 5 editors in the West Bank

Palestine is affected by a very cold air mass … and snow above 900 meters

“We Are All _ Sheikh_Aqsa” campaign of broad solidarity with Salah before his trial

Last month … 33 attacks against Palestinian journalists


Gaza: The Nazi occupation forces carried out 33 attacks against Palestinian journalists during the month of January in the Nazi occupied Palestinian territories.

The government media office in Gaza confirmed in a report that the occupation is continuing its attacks and violations against Palestinian journalists, which recorded 33 violations during January at a systematic pace.

He accused the Nazi occupation of seeking to cause bodily harm to the media, amid continuous attempts to obscure the features of the truth in the Palestinian voice and image.

The report indicated that during the past month, it recorded more than 8 cases of attacks against journalists from the Palestinian security services

In its monthly report, the Monitoring and Follow-up Unit of the Ministry of Information monitored the arrest and detention of 6 journalists by the occupation forces, and extended the arrest of one journalist, the writer Ahmed Katamesh.

It also issued a decision to deport two journalists from Al-Aqsa Mosque for a period of 10 days and sign a financial guarantee for them to register two cases of forced payment of a fine.

The Monitoring Unit counted 6 cases of attacks and injuries suffered by journalists during their coverage of marches and events in the Nazi occupied West Bank, while 4 cases of threats and accusations were documented.

The occupation forces prevented 8 journalists from performing their duties and covering marches and events that show the violations of the occupation and prevented them from working.

The unit also documented 4 incidents of storming, raiding, smashing, searching and tampering with the contents of the journalists’ homes.

Nazi occupation arrests 5 editors in the West Bank

Palestine is affected by a very cold air mass … and snow above 900 meters

“We Are All _ Sheikh_Aqsa” campaign of broad solidarity with Salah before his trial

The Nazi occupation decides to transfer 30 prisoners to Raymond and the Negev


The captive club said today, Monday, that the Ofer Nazi camp administration decided to transfer (30) prisoners from Section (12) to the camps of Raymond and the Negev.

The captive club stated that nine of them would be transferred to “Raymond” prison and (21) to the “Negev Negev” prison.

This decision comes after the Nazi camp administration of “Ofer” claimed that a prisoner confronted and stabbed a prisoner, this morning, and after that all sections were closed, and the repression forces were summoned.

It is worth noting that the prison “Ofer” witnessed last year the most violent and intense repression in more than ten years, during which dozens of prisoners were injured.

It is noteworthy that more than a thousand prisoners are held in “Ofer” prison, among them children.

“We Are All _ Sheikh_Aqsa” campaign of broad solidarity with Salah before his trial

The rockets are continuing .. a rocket was fired from Gaza in the “Shaar Hanegev” Nazi Jewish settlement

12 martyrs from the occupied territories and the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the year

The Nazi occupation army arrested 13 Palestinians, including a woman


The occupation army arrested at dawn today, Tuesday, ten Palestinians from separate areas in the cities of the occupied West Bank.

Local sources said that the Nazi army stormed dozens of houses after detonating their doors and intimidating their residents, as well as searching them thoroughly before arresting the Palestinians and taking them to the Nazi gestapo investigation centers under the pretext of “suspicion” against them.

She added that the Nazi occupation forces arrested: the captured prisoner Muhammad Salama Abu Ras, Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Taha Amr, Ahmad Jamal al-Masalmeh from the town of Dura, south of Hebron, while Muhannad Ghatasheh from Al-Fawwar camp (in the south) and Muhammad Imad Jaradat from the town of Sa’ir, northeast of City.

Mrs. Maysoon Al-Tomezi, from the town of Idhna, west of Hebron, was arrested after storming her home, which is the mother of four children.

From Ramallah, the Nazi occupation forces arrested the captured prisoner, Ibrahim Mesbah Suleiman, and Muhammad Mahmoud Othman Suleiman, from the village of Beit Awar al-Tahta, west of the city.

The Nazi army stormed the Dheisheh camp, south of Bethlehem, and arrested the young Adam Farrajeh, and Walid al-Dakhil, who was arrested from Nablus.

From Aqabat Jabr in the city of Jericho, Imad Radwan was arrested, and he was later released. Clashes erupted in the area between the Nazi soldiers and Palestinian youth during the storming operation.

From Tulkarm, Ahmad Abu Alfayeh and Khaled Abu Issa were arrested after storming their homes.

The resistance bombs the cover of Gaza with a missile

30,000 arrests of Palestinians since 2015

A special Nazi force of the occupation army arrested 3 brothers

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