by Tom Valentine
Piper is truly amazing. Those of us who know him and have worked with him know the secret of his insightful writings.
Mike has a photo memory and speed-reads with comprehension, which allows him to seriously support whatever it is he needs to document a topic.
Though I had 20 years of close association with the author at Liberty Lobby, and greatly admired his definitive book on the assassination of JFK ”Final Judgement,” I had not read this astounding work until recently.
I was amazed at his recollection of details about the Zionist lobby’s treatment of both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton in this book. Details that are entirely germane to the hot button issue of our day—Nuke warfare and proposed war with Iran.
The subheads on this paperback’s cover are: “ Israel’s Nuclear Hell bomb and the road to global Armaggedon; A study of the “Israelization” of American Foreign Policy and its implications for the survival of mankind.”
There is more recent history packed into this pithy straightforward writing than you will find on shelves in university libraries, and more historical data on Jewish fantasies than you ever imagined.
The concept of the Golem is actually the basis for the Super Heroes of comic strips, video games and today’s boring “action” films.
No other writer has interpreted the seminal exposure of the Talmudic chutzpah by the great Israel Shahak as lucidly as has Mike.
Not only does this book clearly outline the Talmudic fanaticism of the Israeli fundamentalists it documents every allegation made against the pervasive Jewish Lobby and it’s stranglehold on our government and media.
A list of the chapter headings should whet sharp appetites:
Introduction—What is the Golem?
Chapter one—Israel’s institutionalized racism & Nuclear Dangers
Chapter two—The rise of fanaticism in Israel and its nuclear context
Chapter three—Civil Instability in Israel and its consequences
Chapter Four—Israel’s mainstream leaders ponder Nuclear war
Chapter Five—Israel’s attack on an ally: The USS liberty affair
Chapter six—Israel, instigator of Middle East nuclear proliferation
Chapter Seven—US tax exempt orgs. bankroll Israel’s Golem
Chapter eight—The US-Israel “merger”
Chapter Nine—US army analysts tell Israel to give up its Golem
Chapter ten— The “poisonous relationship” needs to be reassessed
Chapter eleven— The US-Israel-India Nuclear Axis
Chapter twelve—JFK’s secret war with Israel over Nuke weapons
Chapter thirteen—Jimmy Carter’s “Jewish Problem”
Chapter fourteen—Hillary Clinton was right: Bill & Monica
Chapter fifteen—The revolt of the generals
Chapter sixteen—Zionist lobby calls for witch hunt
Chapter seventeen—The revolt of the academics
Chapter eighteen—Zionism’s war against the United States
Chapter nineteen—Targeting Iraq and Iran; long-term strategy
Chapter twenty—Israel chief beneficiary of Iraq war
Chapter twenty one—“Indelible Jewish fingerprints on Iran war
Chapter twenty two—Iraq war architects aim at Iran
Chapter twenty three—New York Money wants war with Iran
Chapter twenty four—Nuclear controversy made in Israel
Chapter twenty five—Iran’s pres. challenges New World Order
Chapter twenty six—Dr. Mahathir Mohammed: “Time to wage war against war
Chapter twenty seven—failed state willing to break nuclear taboo
Chapter twenty eight—The end of life on Earth
Chapter twenty nine— the media’s Institutionalized disinformation
Chapter thirty—Lawrence Dennis recalled: Crime of the century
Conclusion—The Israelization of American Foreign policy