The full story of the liberation of Saraqib

The party adds the Turks to its list of victims: the full story of the liberation of Saraqib that surprised the Russians and raised the Zionists’ concern

The Hezbollah leadership is no longer interested in stopping at the voices objecting to the participation of its fighters in the war on Syrian soil, because continuing to explain the strategic importance of what is going on there,

It has become a waste of time and effort in addressing parties that have nothing but paid gossip from regional and international parties who know very well the importance of what Hezbollah is doing on Syrian soil and want to raise the level of internal pressure on it to discourage it from continuing to change field equations that previously changed the face of the region when resolving The famous Battle of Qusayr about eight years ago, and today the scene is repeated once again in Idlib, after the party’s elite forces succeeded in regaining the city of Saraqib the strategy in less than 12 hours under the “misdemeanor”, after Turkey placed its weight in the city, in what is now known in Syria as a battle “The Second Short”.

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Away from the narrow Lebanese “Zouareb”, the strategic dimension of the battle and its repercussions paid the Turkish side in the field, and it will pay for it later in politics, while the most affected is what happened. Israel, whose intelligence services and media platforms began talking about the military value or “genius” in fighting groups, “Radwan” in that complex region, which adds to the party’s experiences, is a new factor that Israel cannot ignore or ignore in the coming confrontation.

According to sources concerned with this file, Turkey did not have enough time to repair its sin when it targeted about a week ago a Hezbollah guerrilla group that was outside the scope of the military operations in Idlib, and 9 martyrs fell, after its “limited” participation in the confrontations to liberate the northern countryside of Aleppo. .

According to the information, the Turks were quick to send an indirect “message” to Hezbollah, through a prominent Lebanese official security figure, this “apologetic” message, stating that the Turkish forces did not target the fighting group from a previous “concept and design”, and there is no intention of Ankara In a direct confrontation with the party or with the Iranians in Syria, what happened was a “mistake” in appreciation, and there is no reason for escalation …

But these words did not find any echo in “Haret Hreik”. The decision was taken. The “giant” Turks have awakened from their “slumber”, as these circles say, and this dangerous transgression of the “red lines” could never be tolerated, and the Syrian leadership was informed that Hezbollah will take the lead in the battle of Saraqib, and it will be a “Ras Harba” in the recovery of this strategic area, as it constitutes a major node linking the Aleppo-Damascus and Aleppo-Latakia highway, after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan put his weight back to recover it for use as a “bargaining chip” winning in his meeting. It is expected today, Thursday, with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, but to enter Hezbollah Heart table »…

According to these circles, the Turks had pushed elite forces from the opposition factions, led by Turkish “volunteers” trained by the army, known as “gray wolves” and they were able to retrieve the city and cut the international road, with the support of the drones, before Hizbullah put a sudden, tight plan. For friends and opponents, the “secret” of the success of the military operation was in an “amazing” tactical step by Hezbollah elite elements who infiltrated the city at night, without any prior artillery coverage, reached the positions of the gunmen, opened fire from close range, and achieved a landslide victory from During the snap factor as well as through The devices and night equipment that gave them the upper hand over the armed groups in complete darkness, and the Turkish forces were unable to provide assistance to their militants by air or land due to the great confusion that prevailed among the fighters on the ground after they were surprised by the “Radwan” forces inside their sites, killing those killed, and forced the rest Them to withdraw from the city without their heavy equipment …

The operation raised the “astonishment” of the Russians who did not believe that the party succeeded on Sunday night-Monday in expelling the militants from the city, so after he was suddenly asked, through the operating room, to stop the raids because the “Radwan” forces were in the middle of Saraqib at midnight, and at dawn The “shocking” call came to the Hmeimim base, “Are you ready to send your military police, who will be under control?”

Echoes resonated in Israel hours after the end of the confrontation, and the intelligence community described what was achieved as an “interesting military achievement” because the party’s fighters were able to drive the militants out of the city despite the complete air control of the Turkish drones, and this is what is imposed on the security and military services. The Israelis prepare for what is worse in any future confrontation with Hezbollah.

And far from the strategic importance of the results of this battle, at the “table” of the negotiations in Moscow, it revealed in the field the quality of Hezbollah fighters and their advanced performance on the ground, and if the Turks are new “guests” on the party’s “victims” list, then in Israel it starts reading well The nature of what happened, and according to the security readings that he began to reveal, that the importance of this battle lies in Hezbollah’s conduct of a large-scale, coordinated attack at night, and this reveals a new combat “doctrine” of the party to surprise Israel through a night breakthrough and control of positions before rising Dawn for regular defense during the day, and this battle, according to experts The Israelis “add a lot to the proven military capabilities of Hezbollah in general, and to night fighting in large military frameworks in particular.” Therefore, the military and security leaders should not go unnoticed by a “surprise” that will be watched …!

Of course, it is not the only “epic” that Hezbollah fighters have fought, whether in Syria or Lebanon and other countries. It is an open battle to protect an entire axis exposed to an unprecedented campaign in the region. Of course, the confrontation continues, and perhaps within days it will reveal the crucial role of “Radwan” in battles Jabal Al-Zawiya, and the heights of the southern Idlib front, President Bashar Al-Assad personally insists on the presence of Hezbollah on the fronts of the fighting because he understands the size of their influence, and Mr. Hassan Nasrallah previously confirmed that the resistance “will be where it should be”, and therefore for those who write statements of condemnation in Lebanon and abroad, Provides the ink that you write because it does not deserve to read or respond

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