Armed Turkish Speaking Fake Immigrants Assault Greek Border

By South Front 

SouthFront: The migrant crisis along the Greek-Turkish border appears to be exacerbating, and mostly due to Ankara’s rhetoric and presumed actions.

A video surfaced, purportedly showing migrants, who speak perfect Turkish, and also are armed.


Amazingly the migrants have guns and speak Turkish perfectly.#Greece
1,63110:52 PM – Mar 6, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy1,203 people are talking about this

The migrants are attempting to set the border fence on fire and are then throwing stones at the fire truck that’s putting it out.


These are the so called refugees that want to go to Europe. They set the border fence on fire and then they throw stones against the fire truck that tries to put it out#GreeceUnderAttack #IStandWithGreece #GreeceDefendsEurope23110:12 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy150 people are talking about this

Prior to that, on the evening between March 6th – 7th, there were clashes between migrants and Greek border guards, with the migrants chanting “Allahu Akbar.”

Andreas Mountzouroulias@andreasmoun

Overnight clashes at the #Greek#Turkish border by migrants yelling “Allahu Akbar” – #Greek troops response by tear gas and water cannon. #IStandWithGreece #Greece_under_attack #Greece_Turkey_Borders #GreeceDefendsEurope507:47 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy34 people are talking about this


This video is form within the Turkish pos, where policemen throwing gas canisters towards the Greek side.#IStandWithGrecee #GreeceUnderAttack #GreeceDefendsEurope905:36 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy92 people are talking about this

Andreas Mountzouroulias@andreasmoun

#Breaking#Turkish officers firing tear gas against #Greek police

They destroy the border fences by burning them#IStandWithGreece #GreeceDefendsEurope #GreeceUnderAttack1489:01 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy154 people are talking about this


Τoday’s video from #Evros

watch the migrants attacking the #Greece border.and behind of them is the #Turkish Forces opened fire at #HellenicArmy

RT plz #GreeceDefendsEurope#IStandWithGreece#DefendEurope #Erdogan #syria #EU #EUROPE21411:09 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy222 people are talking about this


Here is footage of Turkish forces brutalising immigrants, who attempted to go back to Turkey and are then forced towards the borders

The reality is Turkey violates human rights laws, NOT Greece!#IStandWithGreece #Evros#GreeceDefendsEurope #Greece366:22 AM – Mar 7, 2020Twitter Ads info and privacy16 people are talking about this

Meanwhile, Turkey is ramping up its accusatory rhetoric.

A Turkish jurists group has slammed the EU for violating the rights of asylum seekers flocking to the Turkish-Greek border.

“EU countries announced that they support Greece’s human rights violations under the pretext of protecting its borders,” Necati Ceylan, head of Turkey’s International Jurist Union said.

Asylum seekers flocking to the Turkish-Greek borders caused great panic in the governments of European Union countries, he said.

“The United States and EU countries stress the possibility of asylum seekers coming to their countries and affecting their economic well-being, so they do not see asylum seekers as people,” he said.

This proves that the EU talk of values and human rights is empty, he argued.

In a statement to the CNN International network, Communication Director Fahrettin Altun responded to claims by Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis that Ankara is “assisting” thousands of migrants on its border get into Europe.

“We categorically reject Prime Minister Mitsotakis’ allegations and we are deeply concerned about the ill treatment of, and the use of lethal force against, refugees by this country’s law enforcement and border security agents,” Altun said.

He said Turkey hosts more refugees than any other country and has been a “bulwark against irregular migration from Syria and elsewhere.”

Meanwhile, Turkey also maintains that the EU has failed to fulfill its obligations under the 2016 migrant deal, but doesn’t mention that Ankara also appears to be in default of its commitments.

The situation is similar to the Sochi agreement being entirely unfulfilled by Turkey for nearly 2 years, but it denying its non-compliance.

“The European Union has failed to keep its promises, including financial aid and voluntary humanitarian admission, under the 2016 agreement. As a result, Turkey had to divert its resources away from stopping the refugee flow to Europe and instead prepare for a potential influx from Idlib. Instead of playing the blame game, we urge Greece and the rest of the international community to address the root cause of irregular migration, namely the ongoing civil war in Syria.”

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry also issued a statement accusing the EU of not keeping its promises:

“Instead of accusing Turkey, the EU should first keep its promises, apply itself to the March 18 [2016 EU-Turkey refugee] Agreement as a whole,” the ministry said.

“It clearly shows that the European Union still cannot grasp the extraordinary burden and efforts that our country faces in migration and security issues,” it said in the statement that underlined that Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees in the world with the best intentions. “To accuse a country of using immigration for a political purpose is a new indicator of the hypocritical approach we have been exposed to for years” and the EU essentially makes the issue “political material.”

“It is also exemplary for the EU to back up Greece, which violates international law and human rights and deems proper all kinds of torture to innocent people who come to its borders, contradicting its principles and values,” it said.


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