The captive Khandaqji was exposed to ghosts, screams and insults from 13 Nazi Gestapo’s

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied Palestine: The captive Halima Khandakji (45 years old) from the town of Deir Sudan, Ramallah District, was subjected to extremely difficult conditions during her arrest and investigation by the occupation investigators in Nazi Camp.

The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority, through its lawyer, conveyed the testimony of the prisoner Khandakji, indicating that the captive was arrested while she was on the road, and was subsequently transferred to the “Al-Maskubia” detention center for interrogation, and there she was searched naked in the beginning and then transferred to the cells for interrogation .

Khandakji explained that the interrogation rounds with her were for long hours spent in a small chair, and during her interrogation, the investigators did not stop screaming at her, insulting her, and insulting her with the dirtiest sleep.

It also pointed out that the investigators threatened her to keep the cells and arrest her child to pressure her and force her to confess to the charges against her.

She added that during her interrogation, she was ghosted on the wall twice, handcuffed her hands and feet, with restrictions attached to the wall. She was also denied entry to the bathroom, in addition to mocking and mocking her.

The Prisoners ’Committee indicated that Khandakji remained for 9 days in Mesopotamia, during which 13 interrogators interrogated her, and then she was transferred to Damoon Prison.

The prisoner pointed out that the conditions of the cells that were being held during the investigation were extremely cruel and not suitable for human life, as the cell is very narrow and cold, rough concrete walls that are difficult to lean on, the mattress is thin without a cover and without a pillow, the light is lit 24 hours and is disturbing to look, and the bathroom ( The toilet) smells bad.

It is noteworthy that the prisoner Khandakji is the mother of three children and is still arrested until now, and she is currently suffering from severe pain in the back, hands and legs due to the torture and ghost she suffered during her interrogation. Occupation# Prisoner# Prisons

Because of his publications, the Nazi occupation forces arrest the journalist Mujahid Bani Muflih

Arrests in the West Bank and Jerusalem included a journalist and editor

New signs to end the suffering of child prisoners in Damoon Nazi Camp

Once again .. the Nazi occupation transports the prisoner veins to the “Barzalai” hospital and prevents his visit


Nazi Occupied Palestine : The Occupation Prison Administration again transferred the patient prisoner to cancer Mowaffaq Orouk from the “Ramle Clinic” prison to the “Barzilai” hospital.

The Palestinian Prisoner Club said that since his morning his family had gone to visit him in Ramle, but it was later revealed that he was taken to hospital.

When the family went to visit him in “Barzalai” hospital, the Nazi occupation authorities prevented them from visiting him or checking on him.

It is reported that the prisoner had suffered from a health condition that was difficult to aggravate recently, after he underwent an operation to remove the stomach and swell the intestine.

The Nazi occupation forces arrested Uruk, who is 77 years old, in 2003, and the Nazi occupation courts sentenced him to 30 years in prison.Prisoner of occupation

The Nazi Occupation Court decides to demolish the homes of the prisoners “Ain Boubin” cell


The High Court of Occupation decided to demolish the homes of the perpetrators of the improvised explosive device operation near “Ein Popin” in Ramallah, in the middle of the occupied West Bank.

The occupation had arrested a cell of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, accusing it of responsibility for carrying out the “Ein Poppin” operation that led to the killing of Nazi Jewish settler in late August.

And the “Shin Bet” device previously claimed that “a cell composed of four members of the Popular Front in the Ramallah area, carried out the operation and planned to carry out another bombing operation, and another explosive device was seized in their possession.”

According to the occupation, the cell official is Samer Mina Salim Arbeed (44 years old) from Ramallah, a senior leader of the Popular Front, and a former prisoner, who prepared the bomb and detonated it at the moment when he noticed the settlers arrived at the place.

The cell also includes the prisoner, Qassam Abdel Karim Al-Barghouthi (25 years old), from the town of Copper, Ramallah, who prepared the explosives used in the manufacture of the package, in addition to Yazan Hussein Mughamas (25 years), an activist in the Popular Front, and he was “a full partner in planning and implementation The operation, “with the participation of the prisoner Nizam Yusef Muhammad, 21, who is an activist in the Popular Front at Bir Zeit University. According to the allegations of the occupation.

The Nazi occupation authorities had notified the prisoners of the aforementioned cell, of demolishing their homes and carrying out demolition measures against their homes.

In names … a wide campaign of arrests targeted 26 Palestinians


The Nazi occupation forces launched a massive campaign of arrests on Monday morning in the cities of the occupied West Bank and the villages of occupied Jerusalem, and took them for investigations.

The Nazi occupation forces stormed dozens of Palestinian homes, and searched them thoroughly before arresting dozens of young men.

In Jerusalem, the Nazi occupation police and intelligence launched a campaign of arrests in the village of Issawiya, northeast of Jerusalem, targeting: Ali Muhammad Obaid, Muhannad Nasser Mahmoud, Bashar Nasser Mahmoud, Mansour Nasser, Fayez Muhammad Muhaisen, Muhammad Mari Derbas, Muhammad Adnan Obaid, Ali Abu Riala , Wissam Nayef Obaid, Rashad Abu Riyala, Jihad Issa Badr, Youssef Al-Kiswani, the boy Muhammad Al-Jabbar, Basil Odeh, and Basil Muhammad Derbas.

It also delivered a summons to investigate the two children, Muhammad Hamza Obaid and Saadi al-Rajabi.

In Ramallah, the Nazi occupation army arrested: Muhannad Yousef Jaber, Muhammad Ubaidah al-Khatib, and Abd al-Rahman Muhammad Jaber from the village of Beitin, east of the city.

The Nazi occupation forces stormed the house of the freed prisoners, Khalil Khader Shouka and Abdullah Atta Al-Harimi, in Bethlehem, and then arrested them.

From Jenin, Mustafa Al-Asad Abu Al-Rub was arrested from his home in Qabatiya and Muhammad Al-Atrash from Kafr Raei, and Nael Abu Al-Asal was arrested from Aqabat Jaber Camp in Jericho and he was the secretary of the “Fatah” movement in the city.

Fadi and Uday Al-Tayeh were arrested from Al-Fara’a camp in Tubas.

The Nazi occupation army stormed the house of Muhammad Abu Zahra in Yatta, south of Hebron, and arrested his daughter.

During the storming of the town of Qabatiya in Jenin, Quds news sources confirmed that armed resistance fighters had overrun the Nazi occupation forces by shooting.

They explained that the shooting targeted the Nazi occupation in several areas and was not from one side, and continued despite the occupation’s pushing with military reinforcements.

No injuries were reported to the army during this event.

Shtayeh: The blood of the martyr of Qabatiya will not go to waste, and nobody is above the law

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Corona suspects a woman who arrived at the Palestine Medical 

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