The bloodshed and abductions in Syria must end.


World leaders must pressure Syria to form an international human rights delegation to find the disappeared.
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Clicking here will automatically add your name to this petition to leaders of the nations of India, Brazil, South Africa, Kuwait and Qatar:“We call on you to send a human rights delegation to Syria immediately to investigate and press for an end to the disappearances of nearly 3,000 innocent Syrians. It is time to end the regime’s bloodshed, bring justice to victims and their families and push for a democratic, peaceful future.”
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Dear Friend,

The five-month-old democratic uprising in Syria has been met with widespread bloodshed and extreme measures by Syrian President Bashar Assad and his military.

Since March, nearly 3,000 pro-democracy Syrians — nearly one per hour — have been “forcibly disappeared” and held in secret prisons.

The U.N. Security Council issued a condemnation this week, but so far has failed to threaten any action to stop the violence. has been leading the charge on this issue, and we’re joining their call to urge the leaders from the nations of India, Brazil and South Africa — who have incredibly close ties to Syria — to push for an international human rights delegation to find those who have gone missing.

Tell Syria’s allies: Help pressure Syria to return the abducted and stop the violence. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

The violence from Syrian forces has been brutal. The situation there is dire.

As the calls for President Bashar Assad to step down intensify, an estimated 2,000 Syrians — of all ages — have been murdered by the regime.

Families in the Syrian city of Hama have been forced to bury their dead in home gardens, afraid to enter the streets.

One Hama resident told the Associated Press on condition of anonymity: “People are being slaughtered like sheep. I saw with my own eyes one young boy on a motorcycle who was carrying vegetables being run over by a tank.”1

Tell Syria’s allies: Help pressure Syria to return the abducted and stop the violence. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Meanwhile, the abductions continue as the government tries to silence its citizens.

One mother reportedly lost her sixteen year old son to the regime while attending a peaceful protest. For the past nine weeks, she’s searched tirelessly for her missing son, ignoring warnings from the Syrian regime that her older son would also be “disappeared” if she continued to ask questions.2

The bloodshed and abductions must end. But only intense international pressure will make it possible for Syria’s “disappeared” to be reunited with their families once again.

Please stand with peaceful protesters in Syria, and join our international campaign to force key leaders to act now and help bring the “disappeared” home.


Tell the leaders of India, Brazil and South America: Pressure Syrian forces to end the abductions and help find the 3,000 innocent civilians. Click here to automatically sign the petition.

Mark Anthony Dingbaum, Campaign Manager

CREDO Action from Working Assets

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