Syria TV airs Jarba’s speech with opposition terror acts

Syrian state TV showing opposition figure Ahmad Jarba
Syrian state TV showing opposition figure Ahmad Jarba’s Geneva speech with footage of the terror acts committed by foreign-backed opposition militants
Syrian state television has broadcast the speech of the foreign-backed opposition chief Ahmad Jarba at the Geneva II conference in Switzerland alongside the footage of terrorist acts of the opposition-led insurgents and Takfiri groups in Syria.

During the Wednesday broadcast, the state TV outlet did not identify Jarba as he began his speech at the conference in the Swiss town of Montreux.

In a split screen, it showed Jarba on the right, under the heading “Montreux, Switzerland,” and the footage of the persisting death and destruction in the country on the left, under the heading “Terrorist Crimes in Syria.”

It left up quotes from Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, who spoke before Jarba, in a breaking news alert on the bottom of the screen as Jarba spoke.

The state television also used the same format when the foreign ministers of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, Ahmet Davutoglu and Saud al-Faisal spoke at the international conference.

Saudi Arabia and Turkey have been among the key backers of the terrorist Takfiri groups in Syria.

While the two top diplomats were shown on the right of the screen, the images on the left displayed instances of summary executions, bombings, pools of blood, destroyed buildings and dead bodies, including the body of a child, perpetrated by the foreign-backed insurgents.

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