Syria massacre dead mostly NATO puppets

Most of the people killed in the Treimsa violence in central Syria were rebel fighters, an activist said on Friday, adding the bloodbath followed a Free Syrian Army attack on an army convoy.
Several dozen rebels were among the more than 150 people killed in the central village of Treimsa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Friday, adding that some victims had been summarily executed.
In what has widely been described as a massacre, with rebels and the regime of President Bashar al-Assad blaming each other, the Britain-based group said “several dozen rebel fighters were among those killed.”
Only 40 of the dead had so far been identified, including 30 badly burnt bodies and 18 people who had been “summarily executed,” the group said of the Thursday incident in Hama province.
Separately, two Syrian activists said most of those killed in the Thursday incident were rebels, and that they died in fighting.
“At this stage, though we do not yet have the final count, the number of civilians killed by shelling is not more than seven,” said Jaafar, an activist at the anti-regime Sham News Network.
“The rest were members of the [rebel] Free Syrian Army,” he told AFP.
“An army convoy was on its way to the region of Hama when it was attacked by the FSA,” he said. “The army staged a counter-attack with the support of [pro-regime] reinforcements from [nearby] Alawite villages. The FSA resisted for an hour before it was defeated.”
An activist at a media center in Hama also said “a large number of rebels were killed in fighting between the FSA and the regular army.”
Identifying herself as Mariam, she told AFP by Skype that the incident occurred when government forces stormed the village in a bid to retake it and the rebels withdrew when they found themselves outnumbered.
Government troops “resorted to excessive force against around 30 members of the FSA inside the village,” she added.
Thus far, amateur videos purportedly documenting the killing have shown the bodies only of men.
Mariam said that, among the dead, were for boys between the ages of 12 and 16 and one woman.

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