Shapiro: ‘Why only 81 lawmakers going to IsraHell?’

by rehmat

“Israel has never been a state but just an Army masquerading as a state – a Potemkin Village of a State. Israel is the archetypal Great Band of Robbers described by St. Augustine in Book 4, Chapter 4 of the City of God,” Professor Francis A. Boyle in book ‘Palestine, Palestinians and International Law’.

I guess you know by now that 81 (20%) of American lawmakers took a week-long vacation in Israel and enjoyed Dead Sea, beautiful beaches and of course 280 brothels in Tel Aviv. However, I bet, most of you did not know that Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D. Illinois), son of ’anti-Semite Rev. Jesse Jackson was also among the 26 Democrats who along with 55 fellow Republicans visited Israel.

Jesse Jackson Jr. even wrote a column for Israel daily Jerusalem Post (August 17, 2011) in which he warned Palestinians that if they tried to seek recognition as a state from United Nations next month – the US will “almost certainly use its veto in the UN Security Council, which will insure that Palestinian statehood effort will fail”. Therefore, his advice to the victims of foreign Jews, was to abandon military resistance against the aggressor and adopt non-violent protests (like the Israeli ‘tent protests’).

The week-long trips are fully-paid by the American Israel Education Foundation, an AIPAC affiliated group. It sponsors similar trips for Congress every other August.

Adam Shapiro (born 1972) is a co-founder of International Solidarity Movement (ISM), and is projected as an ‘anti-Semite’ for his criticism of the Zionist regime. He was interviewed by RT on this generous gift to US lawmakers by the Israel Lobby (AIPAC). Watch video at the end of this post.

In a 2009 interview, Adam Shapiro told Kourosh Ziabari: “The reason (blind support for Israel) has to do with domestic factors for the US more than anything else. I think for the European nations it is connected to the lingering guilt over the Holocaust, a situation that is exploited by Israel and some of the Jewish organizations in those countries to maintain a code of silence when it comes to clearly calling out Israel for what has been a 60-year effort of crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. For the US, there really is no organized constituency willing to vote or donate to politicians campaigns based on this issue.

Those who would are small in number and largely ineffective. The pro-Israel lobby in the US is not only among the organized Jewish community, but includes Christian Zionists, the military-industrial complex in the US, the information technology industry, the biotech industry, the medical community and others, all of which have significant relationships with Israel from a business perspective. This all has repercussions in the US political system and set the parameters of the debate in the US around us support for Israel”.



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