[Ariadna: You can’t make this stuff up… Let me see if I get it straight: the Saudis and UAE, aided by I$raHell and with green light from the US are conducting an,destru-ctive war against Yemen, which fits I$raHell’s expansionist agenda. The Saudi pilots are not doing very well—and the Saudi Foreign Minister is crying for more direct helpfrom I$raHell because…. he admires the I$raHellis (whom he considers “cousins”) for their proficiency in fighting the Lebanese and the Palestinians, who — I guess — are definitely not their “cousins.” He expects the world to admire the “comradeship” and amicable co-existence between Saudi Arabia and I$raHell…]
Saudi foreign minister: we are in dire need of Israeli military assistance to defeat Yemeni rebels; after all we are historically cousins.
According to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, Adel al-Jubeir, the newly appointed Zio-Wahhabi foreign minister tacitly recognized his country’s failure to rout Single-handedly Yemen’s anti-Saudi rebels and called on regional allies, namely Qatar and UAE, to help Saudi Arabia to end the protracted war on Yemen.
Zio-Wahhabi Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi Foreign Minister
“I personally discussed the Yemeni issue with His Royal Highness the King and to finda feasible solution to terminate this dilemma, I suggested Israeli help as our only hope to end the status quo , as they [Israelis] are highly skilled and indeed profic-ient in this kind of warfare through decades in their confrontations with Lebanese and Palestinian militias and to my delight,His Highness King Salman put this proposal forward for further consideration,”
Qatari News Agency (QNA) quoted Zionist Al-Jubeir as saying on Friday during his recent regional tour to Arab Gulf States.
To the detriment of our inexperienced pilots, added Zionist Al-Jubeir, the Yemeni revolutionaries have in their possession the Russian lethal shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles and we lost a sum of 28 of F-15 fighters, thus in this crucial times , we are in dire need of Tel Aviv’s military prowess to curb Iran’s slow but gradual encroachment in Yemen,so I hope one day this futile Israeli hesitation to intervene in Yemen would end and the entire world will witness the comradeship and amicable co-existence between kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Israel,after all we are historically cousins.