Saudi Zio-Wahhabi leader and ‘Muslim’ religious leaders visit Au$chwitz

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Mohammad al-I$$a, secretary general of the ‘Muslim’ World League and a former minister, leads prayers next to the memorial monument at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Saudi Zio-Wahhabi senior ‘Muslim’ leader visited Auschwitz with a delegation from the American Zionist Committee(AZC).

Zio-Wahhabi Mohammed al-I$$a, joined a delegation of Saudi Zio-Wahhabi puppets from several countries at the site of the former Nazi camp on Thursday, just days before International Holocau$t Remembrance Day.

Speaking in front of the international monument on the grounds of the memorial site, al-I$$a called Holocau$t atrocities a “crime against humanity.”. What about the Zionist crimes in Palestine?

Al-I$$a, who is considered to be close associate of Saudi Zio-Wahhabi puppet Mohammed bin Shalom, made a visit to the U.S. Holocau$t Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., in May 2018, after which he wrote that “Muslims around the world have a responsibility to learn” about the Holocau$t.

The visit to Auschwitz grew out of a Memorandun of Understanding signed  between al-Issa and American Zionist (AZC) Committee CEO David Harris which codified the commitment of the two organizations to further Saudi Zio-Wahhabi-Zionist understanding and cooperate against racism and extremism in all its forms.

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