Saudi Women May Be Forced To Even Cover Their Eyes


n yet another example of the extreme oppression of women in Saudi Arabia, a conservative Islamic committee has proposed a law to stop women from revealing their “tempting” eyes to the public.

Saudi women are already required by law to completely cover up from head to toe when in public with the exception of their eyes, and usually eyebrows. Women caught not strictly adhering to the modesty laws risk being publicly flogged.

However, Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) found that even women’s eyes could sometimes be too attractive for men and drafted a new proposal.

According to the Daily Mail, a report on the Bikya Masr news site suggested the proposal was made after a member of the committee was attracted by a woman’s eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight. The fight culminated in the woman’s husband getting stabbed twice in the hand. A spokesperson for CPVPV, Sheikh Motlab al Nabet, said a proposal aimed at making it illegal for women to be in public without covering themselves up completely, if they happened to have attractive eyes, had been tabled.

In a country where women are not allowed to be in public unless accompanied by a male relative and where they are banned from driving, this latest and utterly absurd development must surely be a wake up call to Muslim women around the world, not to mention human rights groups. What might be happening in Saudi Arabia today could very well be implemented en mass across the Muslim world. When are women finally going to stand up and say, “Stop! Enough!”?

In yet another example of the extreme oppression of women in Saudi Arabia, a conservative Islamic committee has proposed a law to stop women from revealing their “tempting” eyes to the public.

Saudi women are already required by law to completely cover up from head to toe when in public with the exception of their eyes, and usually eyebrows. Women caught not strictly adhering to the modesty laws risk being publicly flogged and heavily fined.

However, Saudi Arabia’s Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (CPVPV) found that even women’s eyes could sometimes be too attractive for men and drafted a new proposal.

According to the Daily Mail, a report on the Bikya Masr news site suggested the proposal was made after a member of the committee was attracted by a woman’s eyes as he walked along a street, provoking a fight. The fight culminated in the woman’s husband getting stabbed twice in the hand. A spokesperson for CPVPV, Sheikh Motlab al Nabet, said a proposal aimed at making it illegal for women to be in public without covering themselves up completely, if they happened to have attractive eyes, had been tabled.

In a country where women are not allowed to be in public unless accompanied by a male relative and where they are banned from driving, this latest and utterly absurd development must surely be a wake up call to Muslim women around the world, not to mention human rights groups. What might be happening in Saudi Arabia today could very well be implemented en mass across the Muslim world. When are women finally going to stand up and say, “Stop! Enough!”?

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