Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Regime Faces Deadlock: Double-Faced Game of Terrorism Is Over



Mohamed Salami 
Saudi KingAs Saudi Zio-Wahhabi terrorist groups dared to strike the depth of the Western security in Paris on November 14, the Euro-American stance towards the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi produced terrorism reached a major turning point, removing a basic card from Riyadh in its double-faced game.
The kingdom of the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime has always attempted to employ the terrorist groups as a main weapon in its political disputes, especially in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Yemen, benefiting from the Western full support to its policy; whereas, Paris attacks have established new anti-terrorist rules that Riyadh has to respect in its strategic policies.
The Arab-Western coalition which has supported the ‘ISIS’ terrorist groups and employed them in its Middle East scheme was shaken by the severe blow that France suffered last week at the hands of ISIL militants and suicide bombers.
The European endeavor to confront the terrorist organization met the Russian announcement that a terrorist act was behind the plane crash two weeks ago, which meant that Moscow would intensify its anti-terrorist campaign in Syria. This contradicts with the Saudi regime’s interests and plots.
Faisal Abdul Sater
The Lebanese political analyst Faisal Abdul Sater said, in an interview with Al-Manar website, that although the change in the Western stance towards the terrorist groups is not drastic, Paris terrorist attacks shook the principles of the Western policy which was based on supporting terrorism against the adversary regimes, which will certainly force the Saudi regime to undergo a considerable political alteration.
“We will witness several modifications in this concern. The issue has started to augment.”
Abdul Sater noted the Saudi regime has always blackmailed France by the billion-dollar deals to gain the French help in its unjust policies and wars, adding that France is no longer able to approve such an approach as terrorism struck its capital.
“As an indication to that change, Riyadh ordered all the Saudis in France to reduce their movement across the French territories after Paris attacks because KSA knows that its nationals are undesirable in Europe since they are viewed as the main producers of terrorism.”
Being the main producer and employer of terrorism, the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime tried, during the recent Vienna conference, to promote some terrorist groups as “moderate”; however, the world powers, especially Russia, rejected that categorically.
In the context of Riyadh’s frustrated plots, Abdul Sater added that Saudi also failed to instigate the Western countries against Iran and its nuclear program as the relations between Tehran and major European capitals, mainly Paris, are witnessing a remarkable progress in light of the Iranian president Hasan Rouhani’s scheduled visit to France that was postponed after Paris attacks.
The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime stalemate is being intensified as the battlefield situation in Yemen indicates that the Yemeni army and popular committees are heading to achieve a major victory since the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi led terrorists failed to attain a remarkable progress on the ground, according to Abdul Sater who pointed out that there must be a political solution in Yemen regardless of the Saudi will.
The Lebanese political writer considered that terrorism will backlash at Saudi as its internal conditions are disturbed by power-sharing conflicts, financial corruption and the religious fanaticism which has always produced, embraced and supported terrorism.
Saudi Zio-Wahhabi will be forced to stop playing its double-faced game so that the Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Emirs will no longer wear the traditional dresses in KSA and instruct the terrorists to strike the world cities while wearing suits and neckties as they pay visits to the Western capitals lecturing on democracy and human rights.
The Saudi Zio-Wahhabi regime is facing a deadlock whether it keeps on backing terrorism and defies the West or changes its stance towards the terrorist groups and challenges the monster on its territories.
“The Saudis can never defy the Western will and that they are ultimately going comply with the Euro-American orders,” Faisal Abdul Sater concludes.

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