• Date tabled: 06.11.2013
  • Primary sponsor: Godsiff Roger
  • That this House notes with concern reports that Sparkhill Jobcentre in Birminghamhands out unusually high levels of sanctions;  further notes reports that people have inappropriately been given jobseeker's directions, which are supposed to be only for people with a history of non-compliance; further notes that the practiceof making people attend 8.15am appointments and then sanctioning them  for a few minutes' lateness was stopped after it generated negative publicity; calls on the Government to fully investigate reports of unfair practices at this  jobcentre; draws to the Government's attention cases from around the country of people beingsanctioned, even though they informed their jobcentre that they needed to rearra-nge an appointment to attend a job interview, training appointment or family fun-eral; urges the Government to consider how people who want to work are  supposed to travel to job interviews, maintain a smart appearance or even feed themselves if the income they rely on to survive is removed for such  reasons; and calls on the  Government to use all  effective  means possible to dramatically reduce the inappropriate use of an  increasingly  oppressive sanctions regime that seeks to penalise rather than encourage an effective route back into work.

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