O! humanity, humanity! Why are your eyes not filled with tears For Gaza and the rest of Palestine, The land that cries with memories of the time when an evil blow was dealt to the Prince of Peace
And thus began the destruction and distortion of the memories and history of Palestine… How can you even dare to smile While the families in Gaza cry day and night? How can you ever sit and eat peacefully While the mothers in Gaza go hungry So that their children will have food to eat?
You are so playful with water While the children of Gaza Have not a drop to drink
You are awed by the biblical story Of David and Goliath
Yet the real-life Goliath of today is I$raHell Shooting with uzis at children
With stones in their hand And the courage of David in their hearts… Defending their honor, homes and families Should bring to memory your responsibility
O! humanity, humanity… glance at your history and find the courage in your heart, mind and soul to stop these atrocities and be that David again