Here’s a curious piece in the European Jewish Press. Apparently Respect was behind the Holocaust Memorial Day. The Muslim Council of Britain has been castigated by various Zionists in the media for boycotting HMD. Well now Respect’s support for the event has caused great disgruntlement to Zionists. Check this:

We believe that Respect may have organised this Holocaust Memorial Day event as a political ploy to inoculate them against what so called future charges of anti-Semitism.

When they attack the Zionists in future, they will point to their embrace of Holocaust Memorial Day to demonstrate that their criticism is purely about the Zionist state of ‘Israel’ and that they care very much about Jews.

The question is what does Salma yakov Respect councillor and Respect have to do to appease this particular Zionist group? Should it make like the MCB and boycott HMD? Personally, I’m not comfortable with HMD as the Zionist has clearly used the holocaust to justify its own actions but I suppose there are lessons that can be drawn from it in terms of why we should oppose all manifestations of racist rule.


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