Salfit: Nazi forces Kill Palestinian man

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Nazi forces shot and killed, on Friday morning, a Palestinian man who allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack near the illegal Ariel Nazi JEWISH colony, northwest of Salfit in the central Nazi occupied West Bank, the Palestinian Ministry of Health has confirmed.

Nazi sources claimed that the young man “got out of a vehicle and ran towards a bus stop at the Giti Avishar junction with a knife in his hand,” in an alleged stabbing attempt.

Zionist media agency “Walla” claimed that “the soldiers in the area ordered the man to stop, and when he did not respond, he was shot with several live rounds in the abdomen”.

The Palestinian News & Information Agency (WAFA) reported that the seriously injured young man was pronounced dead one hour after being shot after medical crews were denied access to provide him treatment.

There were no reports of any injuries among Nazi JEWISH colonists or Nazi soldiers.

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The slain Palestinian man was later identified as Amir Atef Khader Rayyan, 36, a married father of several children, from Qarawat Bani Hassan town, northwest of Salfit in the central West Bank.

His brother, Mansour, is a former political prisoner who was exiled by Nazi army from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip, several years ago.

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According to the Zionist daily, Haaretz, the army is actively looking for a vehicle that transported the man to the area before he exited at the junction.

The Palestinian is the ninth to be killed by Nazi soldiers in the West Bank, this month.

On December 24, a Palestinian woman, identified as Ghadir Anis Masalma, 63, was killed by Nazi JEWISH colonialist settler who rammed her with his car and fled the scene, near the entrance of the town of Sinjil, northeast of Ramallah in the central Nazi occupied West Bank.

On December 22, Nazi soldiers killed Mohammad Issa Abbas, 26, in the al-Biereh city, near Ramallah.

On December 21, the Nazi soldiers killed Abdul-Aziz Hikmat Mousa, 22, at Dothan military roadblock, near Ya’bad town, southwest of Jenin in the northern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

On December 12, 2021, the Nazi soldiers killed Jamil Mohammad al-Kayyal, 31, in Nablus city in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

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On December 10, 2021, the Nazi soldiers killed Jamil Abu Ayyash, 31, during the weekly protest against the illegal Nazi JEWISH colonies in Beita town, southeast of Nablus.

On December 6, 2021, the Nazi soldiers killed Mohammad Nidal Younis, 15, at a military roadblock near Tulkarem, in the northern part of the West Bank, after the army claimed he intentionally rammed his car into the roadblock.

On December 04, 2021, the Nazi army killed Mohammad Shawkat Salima, 25, after he stabbed Nazi JEWISH settler in Nazi occupied Jerusalem, in the West Bank. He was first shot and injured and was lying on the ground before the soldiers fired a second live round that killed him.

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second live round that killed him.

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Video Al-Jazeera – Palestine

In addition, Nazi was, identified as Yehuda Dimantman, 20, was killed on December 16, 2021, by Palestinians who opened fire at his car, near the evacuated Homesh Nazi JEWISH colonialist outpost, which was built on Palestinian lands north of Nablus.

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