Russia’s Doctrine of “Peaceful Coexistence”Genoa Revisited: Russia and Coexistence

By Evgeny Chossudovsky
Global Research,
The doctrine of peaceful coexistence was first formulated in the wake of the 1918-1920 war against Soviet Russia. 
It was presented to the Genoa Conference in 1923. 
The 1918-20 war (barely acknowledged in history books) consisted in the deployment of more than 200,000 troops of which 11,000 were from the US, 59,000 from the UK. Japan which was an Ally of Britain and America during World War I dispatched 70,000 troops. 
The article below entitled Genoa Revisted: Russia and Coexistence was written by my late father Evgeny Chossudovsky in 1972. It was published in Foreign Affairs. 
At the height of the Cold War, the article was the object of a “constructive debate” in the corridors of the Council of Foreign Relations. According to the NYT:
Mr. Chossudovsky wants a United Nations Decade of Peaceful Coexistence, a new Treaty Organization for European Security and Cooperation which would embrace all Europe, and comprehensive bilateral and multilateral cooperation in everything from production and trade to protection of health and environment and “strengthening of common cultural values.” …
Skeptics, of course, can point out that Mr. Chossudovsky’s argument has lots of holes in it, not least in his strained efforts to prove that peaceful coexistence has always been Soviet policy. Nevertheless, he has made such a refreshing and needed contribution to the East‐West dialogue that it would be neither gracious nor appropriate to answer him with traditional types of debating ploys.
Unquestionably, East‐West cooperation in all the fields he mentions is very desirable, and so is East‐West cooperation in other fields he doesn’t mention such as space. And he is pushing an open door when he laments the colossal burdens of the arms race. (Harry Schwarz, The Chossudovsky Plan, New York Times, March 20, 1972)
Flash Forward to 2022
The world is at a dangerous crossroads. In the post Cold War era, East-West Dialogue has been scrapped.
Is “Peaceful Coexistence” and Diplomacy between Russia and the U.S. an Option? 
Constructive debate and dialogue is crucial.
Can East-West dialogue be restored as means to avoiding a Third World War? 
My father’s family left Russia in 1921. He was seven years old. In 1934 he studied economics (Ph.D.) at the University of Edinburgh, the alma mater of Adam Smith. In 1947 he joined the United Nations Secretariat in Geneva. In 1972 at the time of writing of this article, he was a senior official of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
The following article on “Peaceful Coexistence” is part of the legacy of my late father, Dr. Evgeny Chossudovsky. Michel Chossudovsky, December 22, 2022
The article, Russia’s Doctrine of “Peaceful Coexistence”, can be read on

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