Ramallah: Nazi Soldiers Injure Many Schoolchildren

Nazi soldiers injured many schoolchildren in Silwad town, east of Ramallah, in the central part of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Media sources said several Nazi army vehicles invaded the town and headed towards the schools’ area just as the children were heading back home.

They added that the Nazi soldiers chased the students and fired many gas bombs and concussion grenades at them at the main junction of their town near their schools.

Medical sources said many schoolchildren suffered the effects of tear gas inhalation and received the needed treatment.

The invasion was the second in two days, and both invasions were carried out just after the students left their educational facilities and were heading home.

On Monday dawn, Nazi soldiers abducted eleven Palestinians from their homes in several parts of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Also Monday dawn, Nazi soldiers shot two young men after the army invaded the Aqaba town, north of Tubas, in the northeast part of the Nazi occupied West Bank, and exchanged fire with Palestinian fighters.

On Sunday evening, Nazi soldiers injured many Palestinians nonviolently marching in Beit Ummar town, north of Hebron.

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