Qalqilia: Nazi Army Shoot Four Palestinians, One Seriously

“Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted
if she is three years of age.”

 Yebhamoth 11b

Nazi forces invaded, on Monday evening, the city of Qalqilia in the northwestern part of the Nazi occupied West Bank, shooting four Palestinian young men, one of whom sustained serious injuries.

Media sources reported that Nazi occupation forces stormed the Al-Marj neighborhood in the city of Qalqilia, sparking protests among the local Palestinian youths.

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[Video from Palestine TV]

Nazi Soldiers responded by opening live fire on those who resisted the incursion, shooting four young men, one of whom was critically injured.

One young man was shot in the head and sustained life-threatening wounds. he was transported to the governmental hospital in the city, however according to Palestine TV, was transferred to Rafidia Hospital in Nablus due to the severity of his injury.

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[Video from Palestine TV]

In the following video, it is clear that Nazi soldiers shot two of the young men, as they were moving in the opposite direction from the army. The young man that sustained the critical gunshot wound to the head can be seen falling to the ground and stop moving, while the other young man, who was riding on a scooter, appears to be shot in the leg.

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[Video from Palestine TV]

Meanwhile, the army shot and injured three other Palestinian young men, one in the chest, one in the thigh and one in the foot. They were all transported to a local hospital for medical intervention.

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