Qalqilia: Nazi army Orders Construction Halt Of Agricultural Structures

Nazi occupation forces ordered today a halt on the construction of two agricultural rooms in the town of Jayyous, to the east of Qalqilia in the Nazi occupied West Bank, according to local sources.

The sources told WAFA that the Nazi occupation authorities notified Nazem Tawfik Salim and Mohammad Qa’dan, two local Palestinian residents, about an order to stop the construction of their two rooms which they were planning to use for agricultural purposes on their farms.

Meantime, Nazi JEWISH settlers planted a large number of grape seedlings on nearly 50 dunums of Palestinian-owned land in Masafer Yatta region, to the south of Hebron in the Nazi occupied West Bank, according to a local source.

Rateb Jabour, a local anti-colonization Palestinian activist, told WAFA that groups of Nazi JEWISH settlers from the colonial settlements of Havat Maon, Carmiel, and Maon broke into Palestinian citizens’ lands and planted them with grape seedlings in a prelude to take over these lands.

He said the Nazi occupation forces have been blocking access of Palestinians owners to their lands in the area while offering Nazi JEWISH settlers a free hand to enter and leave these lands.

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