Alfred was sentenced to 38 months imprisonment in Germany, starting from July 2018, for “incitement to hatred“, i.e., for telling the truth about the so-called “Holocaust“, and Organized jewry’s false flag attack on America on 9/11, 2001.
He also faces possibly further charges for making statements in his defense during his trial.
UPDATE: On August 8th, 2019 Alfred was given an additional 18 month sentence for his actions in his original trial. Please see this post for details:
Alfred Schaefer Receives 18 Months Additional Prison Time for Forbidden Speech During the 2018 Trial
Show your support for Alfred by writing (letters and/or cards) to him at the address below.
— There are strict rules on what a prisoner can receive, i.e., letters, cards, postcards, photos, drawings, and stamps are the only permitted items.
— Alfred is receiving sufficient German stamps from supporters in Germany, so no need to send them from abroad.
— You can write anonymously, with no name or address, or use an alias. If you do put a return address, please ensure that it is genuine (if not, then mention that in your letter) so that his reply can get to you.
— Prisoners are only allowed to have 20 cards/postcards and 20 photos at one time in their cell. The rest are put in storage.
— Please write the date on each letter, card, etc. Also number them (letter/card 1, 2, 3, etc.) so that Alfred can see whether he is missing any.
— Do NOT send images of swastikas, or other pro-NS imagery.
— Books, magazines, objects, food, clothing, etc., should NOT be sent as, if even permissible, it involves a long and troublesome procedure to receive such items.
If you can, please try to send a letter or card on a regular basis, say, once a month or so! It’s a real morale boost for prisoners to know that they haven’t been forgotten about. And especially in Alfred’s case, as a political prisoner, it sends a message to the “authorities” that he is not alone in his views. Also don’t feel there’s a need to write anything profound of insightful, as even a simple “Hello” message is fine.
If you have any queries, etc., don’t hesitate to leave them in the Comment section.
Thank you.