Investigators question Natali Cohen Vaxberg for fifth time over 2014 video in which she relieved herself on national symbols
ed note–one of those ‘good Jews’ who is ‘anti-Zionist’…
Seriously, as we say here often, the ‘problem’ with Jews from the very beginning of their interaction with humanity and the ‘trail of tears’ that has marked the history of the ‘anti-Semitism’about which they are constantly screeching has never been about race, but rather about the mental illness that afflicts them as a result of the rel-igious/cultural indoctrination that is imposed upon them and which then guides their behavior. While Palestinians and other true Semites try and engage the public in an intelligent discussion/debate about the facts surrounding the problem of Israel, what do we get from one of God’s chosen defecators? Her own version of ‘Holy shit’. The only thing distinguishing her from her cohorts in JVP and other groups of ‘good Jews’ who oppose the occupation is that they are more sophisticated in their approach. The truly discouraging thing was how many people I personally ran into on the intern-et, people who claim to be in support of the Palestinians and opposed to the sufferi-ng imposed upon them thought that Mz. Cohen was a hero for engaging in the kind of barbaric behavior that she did.