Judaism for Beginners




When I was very young, a Jewish friend told me this Shalom Alechem type of story:

“A non-Jew came to a rabbi and said, ‘Rabbi, I am thinking of converting to Judaism but I don’t want to have to study the Torah for years and years. I will do it on one condition: if you can teach me all I need to know about it while I am standing on one leg.’

The Rabbi said, ‘It’s simple. All you have to remember is this: Don’t do unto others what you don’t want done unto you.’

I believed it and was impressed by the humanism of Judaism. It was, after all, the religion of the people who had suffered so much. It has been very many years since I discovered that it had been a story that Jews tell the hapless Goyim — a complete reversal of Torah’s spirit and its specific commandments.

I was reminded of it when I saw two videos posted by Nahida (whose poetry is one of the most beautiful expressions of the Palestinian soul and sensitivity).

I don’t know if you can watch them while standing on one leg but they are priceless for a Goy’s understanding of the Torah — the heart of Judaism — and an edifying encounter with the Jews’ most revered exegete of the Torah, Maimonides.

“The ‘bettlefild’ is wherever a single Jew exists”

Maimonides on conquering Syria, Alepo, Iraq, then Iran….kill, kill, kill

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