The biographer for resigning CIA Director David Petraeus is under FBI investigation for improperly trying to access his email and possibly gaining access to classified information, law enforcement officials told NBC News on Friday.
Law enforcement and multiple U.S. officials told NBC News that emails between Petraeus and Broadwell were indicative of an extra-marital affair.
Earlier, law enforcement officials said they do not believe the FBI investigation will result in any criminal charges. They also stressed that Petraeus is not under investigation.
The CIA declined all comment on the case. Broadwell could not be reached for comment.
Broadwell’s Twitter account describes her as a national security analyst and Army veteran. A biography on her website, which went offline Friday evening, said she is married to a radiologist and has two children, both boys. The family lives in Charlotte, N.C. The biography said she is a West Point graduate and a research associate at Harvard University’s Center for Public Leadership and a doctoral candidate in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London.
One thought on “Petraeus’ biographer Paula Broadwell under FBI investigation over access to his email, law enforcement officials say”
Most likely all investigations or allegations of any wrongdoings by Mrs. Kranz Bromwell will be dropped. A zionist or Mossad agent who does her job most be protected to reward a job well done.And to sencourage others who do work for the zionist that even illegal activity will be covered up and protected
Mrs Krans Bromwell was clearly operating for Mossad to control or neutralize Petraeus. (Paula will be able to make six figures in just Israel and USA alone just in speaking fees.) Anyway Petraeus apparently refused to be controlled.In other words he refused to come out in full support of attacking Iran. So he was exposed for his affair and thus neautralized. If he had agreed to support the Israeli/Zionists/NeoconArtists and their long bloodlusted war against Iranand Syria he would have never been exposed and would have been made out to be the greatest military mind alive by the zionist controlled press in America and worldwide. Atleast he showed some patriotism to America by not accepting this blackmail and choosing to let his marital dishonor be exposed over completely selling out his country and humanity to the warmongers. Temporarily atleast, less American soldiers and Iranian civilians and others will have to needlessly die, including Palestinians. Pray mossad does not commit a USS Liberty false flag and take out an Aircraft carrier to blame on Iran. If that happens, 4000 or more American sailors instantly die and it’s all out war against Syria and Iran with millions of innocents to die, and many times more US soldiers other “allies” and mercenaries to die than ever died in Iraq and Afganistan in a horrific war and occupation of Iran and Syria and Lebanonand even Palestine (which in reality will be for an establishment of Greater Israel as long dreamed of by the Zionist). In the fog and smoke of an American lead war against Iran, the Israelis would be able to massively escalate theit genocide of the Palestinian people.