Perilous Apparel: Public Outrage Ensues Over Saudi Woman’s ‘Bold’ Attire (VIDEO)



A young Saudi woman has reportedly been arrested after sparking public outrage after she posted a video of herself walking around a historic fort wearing a miniskirt and a black crop top.

The video which was first posted on Snapchat by a woman who has been identified as Khulood has sent people into a frenzy.

​Khulood is seen wearing a skirt that ends just above the knees and a short sleeved top. She is mostly filmed from behind but at one point turns to the camera.

​Many Saudis took to social media to express indignation over her bold attire. Some were downright aggressive and called for her arrest.

An arrest warrant was issued by Riyadh police and shared by several Twitter users. The alleged arrest took place on Monday for ‘disrespecting and violating the teachings of Islam’.  

Some social media users said that apart from her attire it is the location which caused the uproar. The historic fort in Ushaiager of the Najd province is ironically one of the most conservative provinces in the Middle East where Zio-Wahhabism was born.Some users however, took the girl’s side saying that in 2017 people in Saudi Arabia need to stop caring about miniskirts.

They took to posting images from President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia in May, wherein First Lady Melania Trump and his daughter Ivanka had opted not to cover their hair.

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​UK Prime Minister Theresa May had also opted not to follow the strict dress code in place for women in the kingdom when she arrived in Riyadh recently. May had said that she hoped to be an inspiration for oppressed women in Saudi Arabia.

However, the rigid laws in the kingdom based on sharia law force women to abide by a strict dress code in public. They wear long and loose robes called abayas and also cover their hair and face in veils.

Furthermore, women cannot drive and cannot be seen in the company of men they are not related to in the country.

Earlier in 2014, a woman named Loujain Hathloud was arrested for trying to drive in defiance of the driving ban placed on women.

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