Pathetic Yipper Elon Musk to Meet with Jew President, Offer Extreme Suck-Job

“Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”

JEWISH TALMUD Sanhedrin 59a


Sam Parker 


Elon Musk to meet with Israeli president Isaac Herzog tomorrow to discuss “antisemitism on X.” Looks like Elon is getting called in front of the Sanhedrin again. Why does our Free Speech depend upon the demands of a tiny country halfway around the world?

See: Elon Supposedly Facing Backlash After Mild Comments About Jew Anti-White Agenda

Everyone is all excited when Musk says something against the Jews. The last thing he said was the most hardcore thing so far, when he said the Jews hate white people and flood them with immigrants and then blame them for anti-Semitism caused by the immigrants.

I told you: this more “based” statement will be followed by a more extreme groveling before the Jews. I knew this would happen, because Musk is a yipper and I know yippers. A yipper might nip, but a yipper will never bite.

I wish Elon was better than this. But he’s not. He’s a coward who will talk about freedom, speak out against the Jews, and then go running to the Jews, begging for mercy.

Why would he be meeting the president of Israel at all? He’s not meeting the president of Iceland or Uganda. He should meet the president of Uganda, actually. Maybe he could learn something from that guy.

The Guardian:

Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk, accused by civil rights groups of amplifying anti-Jewish hatred on his Twitter/X social media platform, will meet Israeli president Isaac Herzog on Monday, along with Israelis whose relatives have been held by Hamas in Gaza.

Herzog’s office announced the meeting on Sunday night, saying: “In their meeting, the president will emphasize the need to act to combat rising antisemitism online.”

Musk, a billionaire who also runs Tesla and SpaceX, did not respond to requests for comment through spokespeople for Tesla and X.

I also did not receive an answer to my inquiry, which inquired if while performing a suckjob on the Jewish ruler, Musk also planned to do any rimming.

Elon Musk is pictured contemplating his next suckjob.

Elon Musk is pictured contemplating his next suckjob.

I also included in my inquiry that if there was no response, I was going to assume rimming would be involved. So, take that as you will.

Musk’s visit coincides with a four-day truce in an Israeli war with Hamas during which currently 58 of the approximately 240 hostages Israel says have been held by Hamas have been released.

Israel’s Channel 12 said Musk would also meet Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli prime minister’s office.

Netanyahu met Musk in California on 18 September and urged him to strike a balance between protecting free expression and fighting hate speech after weeks of controversy over antisemitic content on X.

Musk responded by saying he was against antisemitism and against anything that “promotes hate and conflict”, repeating his previous statements that X would not promote hate speech.

Oh, no. Never “hate speech.”

Never things like “Jews shouldn’t kill children” or “the Holocaust is fake.”

Never anything of that sort. Not from the yipper.

You can say that Jews flood white countries with brown people because they want to destroy the white race. But then you have to apologize quickly in a massive public display.

It’s called “Yipper’s Law,” and it is the fundamental guiding principle of Twitter’s mass censorship policy.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)

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