Palestinian Prisoner with Cancer Denied Urgent Healthcare

Palestinian prisoner Abdul Baset Muatan. (Photo: via WAFA)

The Israeli occupation authorities have refused to offer urgent healthcare to Palestinian prisoner Abdul Baset Muatan who is suffering from cancer, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said on Sunday.

According to the PPS, Muatan’s health condition has deteriorated dramatically due to the lack of proper healthcare.

Wafa News Agency – English@WAFANewsEnglishPalestinian prisoner Abdul-Basit Muatan, a patient of cancer who is currently detained in the Israeli prison of Ofer, is denied access to badly needed healthcare, said the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) in a statement today.


The PPS called for urgent action to ensure the prisoner’s access to the necessary healthcare before it is too late.

Muatan, who was detained on October 25, had undergone a number of surgeries prior to his detention; he is still in urgent need of intensive medication.

Khadija Soulmate@KhadijaSoulmate
A Palestinian detainee is denied proper treatment from cancer in Israeli jails. Abdul-Basit Muatan is suffering from cancer that will probably spread in his body if he didn’t receive proper medical treatment. (1\2) #FreePalestine


The PPS also called the Israeli occupation authorities to release Muatan as soon as possible since he had no charges and is being held under the administrative detention policy.

The prisoners’ rights group held the Israeli authorities, mainly the Israel Prison Service fully responsible for the lives of the sick prisoners, especially Muatan. All are at severe risk due to Israel’s denial of their right to adequate healthcare.

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