Palestine: Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians

Nazi soldiers abducted a Palestinian child in Khirbat Abu Falah village, northeast of the central West Bank city of Ramallah, and two Palestinians near Nablus and Jenin, in the northern West Bank.

Media sources several Nazi military vehicles carried the invasion out and drove through several neighborhoods.

They added that the Nazi soldiers abducted a child, Ala’ Ehab Sheikh Hamayel, 14, and took him to a nearby military base.

In related news, the army invaded Deir Nitham village, northwest of Ramallah, leading to protests, before the soldiers fired rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades; there have been no reports of injuries.

It is worth mentioning that Deir Nitham and its lands face frequent Nazi military invasions and assaults by illegal Nazi JEWISH colonialist settlers.

On Saturday evening, the Nazi soldiers abducted Abdul-Rahman Eshteyya from the northern West Bank city of Nablus after stopping him at a military roadblock south of the city.

Furthermore, the Nazi soldiers abducted a young man, who remained unidentified at the time of this report, after stopping him at a permanent military roadblock southwest of the northern West Bank city of Jenin.

Dozens of Nazi soldiers were also deployed around the villages and towns of Rommana, Zabbouba, Ta’nak, Taybeh, Ya’bad, and Arraba, near Jenin, and closed many roads and intersections.

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