Palestine: Falling health status of the striking prisoner Ramadan famous


By: Sammi Ibrahem, Sr

Palestine: Occupied West Bank A 44-year-old Palestinian prisoner from the Jabal al-Mukaber, south of occupied Jerusalem, has been on a hunger strike to protest against the installation of jamming devices, according to a report released on Sunday..

The body explained that the prisoner is currently suffering from kidney aches and irregularities in pressure, heart rate and blood sugar, and lost weight of 5 kg .

She added that the management of the detention centers of the occupation is holding the prisoner famous in the cells of Jalama narrow space and lack the minimum elements of life .

On September 8, he was on strike at Raymond Nazi camp to protest against the installation of a radio active jammer near his room. After the strike, he was transferred the next day to al-Jalameh Nazi center and was isolated inside the cells . 

It is noteworthy that the famous prisoner entered the year 18 in the prisons of the Nazi occupation, and is sentenced to life for 20 times

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