Palestine: Nazi Soldiers Demolish Two Commercial Structures In Jerusalem, Two Sheds In Nablus

Nazi soldiers demolished two commercial structures in Beit Hanina town, north of Nazi occupied Jerusalem, and two agricultural sheds in Douma town, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

Several army vehicles, including bulldozers, invaded the Wad Ad-Dam area in Beit Hanina before demolishing a commercial structure owned by Palestinians from the local al-Qassas family.

The Nazi army claims the structure was built without a permit from the City Council of Nazi occupied Jerusalem.

Photo By Al-Qastal

In addition, the Nazi soldiers invaded Douma town, south of Nablus, and demolished two agricultural rooms, one of them owned by Abdullah Salawda. The name of the second structure’s owner was unknown at the time of this report.

While Nazi continues to build and expand its illegal Nazi JEWISH colonies, Palestinian communities, and towns, in the Nazi occupied Jerusalem, and various areas in the Nazi occupied West Bank, continue to be denied the right to build homes and property, under various allegations meant to prevent the expansion of Palestinian towns and neighbourhoods.

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