Where is David Cameron in all this? Liam Fox’s appearance on Andrew Marr’s Sunday Morning
programme that the Tories actually fully support Labour’s policies on Zio=Nazi regime of ‘Israel,’ Afghanistan and Iraq.
Since they support Labour’s Education policies, it seems we no longer need an opposition party.

So where is Cameron and why is he not attacking New Labour with all the ferocity he can muster?
The truth is Cameron supports the Zio=Nazi war in Lebanon. He said, “Our Government has been right to call for a (It is height of hypocrisy to call for R1559 be implemented because Zio=Nazi ‘Israel’ in violation of numerousUN resolutions Notably R242. It appears to me that Mr. Cameron never heard of any of the 167 United  Nations’ Resolutions to the Zio=Nazi army to withdraw from Gaza and West Bank.
Nazi’s never adhered to any of those. Some history reading could help Mr. Cameron.)  sustainable ceasefire rather than an unconditional one Zionist’s demands for the return of captured soldiers, and end to rocket and the complete disarmament of Hezbollah in accordance with UN Resolution 1559 are wholly legitimate.”
See: The Times 3 August, 2006 P.18


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