Nearly 200 British police officers are under investigation for “predatory sexual behavior”, but unfortunately the police will be handling the investigation
By JG Vibes
On a daily basis, there are countless people worldwide who use their position of authority to hurt others. This is the whole purpose of authority anyway, to abuse and exploit people without suffering any consequences. It is quite common for police officers or other enforcement agents of the state to assault, frame and even rape innocent people. Recently in the UK, nearly 200 police officers and staff workers were accused of sexual assault.
The Guardian reported that Police forces are being ordered to face up to corruption by officers who commit sexual offences against vulnerable women and young people, as figures obtained by the Guardian reveal 169 officers and support staff are under investigation for predatory sexual behavior.’ [1]
According to the report only a small number of these cases will actually be reviewed by an independent group, the vast majority of the cases will be investigated by the police themselves.
Debaleena Dasgupta, a lawyer representing women who have been raped or sexually assaulted by police officers, said: “If a woman reports rape or sexual assault by a police officer it is not just that the investigation has to be properly carried out, it has to be seen to be done properly in order for victims to have confidence in the system.”
“If these cases are being investigated by the police themselves, then victims are going to get anxious. The IPCC may not have perfect resources but they should be fighting for them in order to investigate these kinds of cases.”
In a film made by Nottinghamshire police, which is being released to all forces next month, the woman said: “I thought he was going to work and doing a professional job, making a difference, and it was all just lies. It affected everybody.
“These people [his victims] were vulnerable. He was in a position of authority. He abused their trust, he abused the public’s trust.”
This type of situation is not an uncommon incident, just afew weeks ago we reported on a Texas cop who resigned amid allegation that he sexually assaulted a woman in front of her children while questioning her in her own home.[2]
[1] Police investigate 169 staff over predatory sexual behaviour – The Guardian
[2] Cop Resigns After Woman Accuses Him of Sexual Assault With Her Children Nearby – Intellihub