Back in August of 2009 Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu made a statement which reveals Israel’s true intentions for where they want their borders. And it will mean many more years of war, suffering and bloodshed for the region, and for America, which finances and fights Israel’s wars, it means many more dead and wounded troops and more unnecessary spending of American tax dollars.
Netanyahu said, “[Jerusalem] is not a settlement. It is the sovereign capital of the State of Israel. We have been building in Jerusalem for 3,000 years.”
This indicates Israelis believe their boarders should be the same as the ancient borders of Israel as described in their “holy” book the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. (It doesn’t matter if today’s Jews are or are not really the ancient Jews of the Bible since they are de facto the same.)
To get an idea of Israel’s intended future occupations that go way beyond Jerusalem and the West Bank, we need to know what the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament claims were Israel’s borders. The Zionist/Christian Pat Robertson laid it out for us in an article called The Land of Israel: A Gift
This map of Israel’s borders under Solomon tells us Israel’s contunied expansion will mean continued wars and suffering.
From God. He writes in this article,
“I want to show you the extent of the land, because Solomon, the son of David who was living in 950 B.C. (that’s a long time ago), this was his territory. You go all the way up north to the Euphrates River which encompasses the better part of modern-day Syria. Solomon’s empire went up to the Euphrates River.
“And Tyre and Sidon and Megiddo. And they had the Via Maris which went from Damascus all the way down to Cairo. It went as far as the area down in Gaza. Just south of that there is a creek called the River of Egypt. Not the Nile. The Nile is further away. This is what they got and it came all the way down and there is Kadesh Barnea and the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba. And it went up the Jordon River. This was the territory that God gave to Joshua.”