Nazi Regime closes down Nazi-Racist Yitzhar yeshiva due to violent acts against Palestinians


by crescentandcross in Uncategorized

Hitler Youth

Education Ministry follows Shin Bet recommendation to close down West Bank yeshiva after its students engage in violent acts against Palestinians, Israeli security forces.

ed note–it is common practice amongst burglars to carry some kind of meat with them so that if they encounter a dog, whose barking may awaken the home owners, they can give it a little snack in order to keep him quiet. Israel closing down this particular yeshiva is tantamount to the same thing, in that the inherent racism of both the Jewish religion and the Jewish state is becoming manifest before the eyes of the world and therefore in order to quiet things down and give the apperance that Israel is a modern, tolerant, ‘democratic’ state, she will engage in psychological ploys such as this in order to confuse Gentiles and distract others from concluding the inevitable.


Israel’s Education Ministry decided Tuesday to follow the recommendations of the Shin Bet and close down the Dorshei Yehudcha yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar, following its students’ involvement in violent acts against Palestinians and Israeli security forces.

Shimshon Shoshani, the former director-general of the Education Ministry, decided last week before leaving his post to close down the yeshiva indefinitely.

Dorshei Yehudcha yeshiva high school is part of the institutions of Od Hai Yosef, headed by Rabbi Yitzhak Ginzburg. Two heads of the yeshiva, Rabbis Yosef Elitzur and Yitzhak Shapira wrote the controversial book “The King’s Torah” which justifies the killing of non-Jews.

Last month, Haaretz revealed that the Shin Bet recommended that the Education Ministry close down the yeshiva since “it had collected extensive information on yeshiva students which are involved in illegal and violent activities against Palestinians and the security forces.” It was also known that the yeshiva rabbis and its heads were aware of some of the activities taking place and allowed the students to participate.

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