Nazi Army Abducts Three Palestinians In Hebron And Ramallah

Nazi soldiers abducted three Palestinians in Hebron and Ramallah, in the southern and central parts of the Nazi occupied West Bank.

Media sources in Hebron said several Nazi army jeeps invaded Ithna town, west of Hebron, before the Nazi soldiers stormed, ransacked homes, and abducted Qussai Nader Al-‘Asoud, 20.

The Nazi soldiers also installed roadblocks in several neighborhoods in Hebron, and the city’s northern and southern entrances, stopped and searched many cars, and interrogated several Palestinians while inspecting their ID cards.

In Ramallah, the Nazi soldiers invaded Ni’lin town, west of the city, searched several homes, and abducted Mohammad Nafe’, 20, and Ezzeddin Khalil Habazi, 25.

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