Nakba Commemoration 2010 – Upcoming Events
Friday 14 May 2010  
The Palestinian Nakba Continues – at 18:30
Grand Hall, Fulham Broadway, Hammersmith & Fulham Council, SW6 1BW 
A commemoration by the Association of the Palestinian Community in the UK
Dr Eyad Sarraj: the well known Palestinian Psychiatrist and Founder and Director of the Gaza Community Mental Health  Programme, activist in Human Rights and winner of many awards for Human Rights for Physicians.
Dr Ahmad Tibi
: Deputy Speaker of the Knesset and leader of the Arab Nationalist Party in Israel , Ta’al (the Arab Movement for Change).  
H.E. Ambassador Afif Safieh
:  Member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah Movement, and was until recently PLO Ambassador to Russia and his previous postings were to Washington and London .
The event will be co- chaired by:  HH Professor Eugene Cotran, Chair of the APCUK and H.E. Professor Manuel Hassassian, Palestinian Ambassador to the UK .
 Hazem Jamjoum from BADIL’s speaking tour: from Nakba to the global BDS campaign
meetings from 10-13 May, in Glasgow, Bradford, London and Nottingham. Click here for details
Saturday 15 May Around the UK – National Nakba Day of Action
For more information about events around the UK please visit:  
UK Wide events
– Exeter: WATAN – Commemorating PALESTINIAN NAKBA
On 15 May 2010 From 7pm-9pm – St.Sidwell’s Community Centre, St. Sidwell’s Street, Exeter. Come with a friend to light a candle and to listen to testimonies from Gaza- Palestinians from over all Palestine will be there to share their experiences
– Bristol PSC: Peace vigil in the town centre and action focusing on the Co-op.
AberPSC is marking Nakba Day at the Morlan Centre in Aberystwyth, with a screening, readings of first-hand accounts from 1948, songs by Cor Gobaith and a stall. Mark Williams (LibDem), sitting MP for Ceredigion, will be guest of honour. The event will begin at 7.00 pm. During the day: leafleting about the Nakba
– Norwich PSC: Nakba stall in the Norwich Forum to draw attention to Nakba Day
–  Nakba 2010 in Cambridge 62 years since the creation of the State of Israel  – 43 years of military occupation As Israel plans 50,000 new housing units in East Jerusalem* (* 11.03.10). Please join us for some or all of the time – In solidarity with the Palestinian people. Market Square, Saturday 15th May: Silent Vigil: 1.30 – 2.30 //  Words and Music: 2.30 – 3.30. Your participation welcomed – Organised by  Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Supported by Cambridge Stop the War
– Sheffield PSC Saturday 15th May: Nakba day; Assemble at Sheffield Town Hall at 11 a.m. Calling for an end to the occupation and we’ll be handing out boycott leaflets round the city centre.
– Portsmouth and South Downs PSC: May 15th, which is Conscientious Objectors Day as well as Nakba Day, SE Hants Peace Council are holding a meeting in the Havant United Reformed Church, North St, Havant, PO9 1PP, at 7pm With 2 shministim as speakers, Or Ben David & Yuval Auron. PSDPSC is supporting this meeting.
– Halifax Friends of Palestine Nakba Commemoration: 14th – 16th May 2010 “Dreams of Home” an exhibition of photographs by children of Aida Refugee Camp,   Bethlehem at the Arts Festival Office, Albert Street , Hebden Bridge. The exhibition ends on Sunday 16th May at 1.30pm with a talk by Karen Abi-ezzi of Bradford University entitled “The Palestinian Nakba : Reasons to Remember”.
Manchester PSC: stall/mass leaflet in the middle of Market Street (outside Tesco) Manchester on Saturday 15th May  at 12 Noon. 
Free Palestine ! Saturday 15 May, 12-2pm
Opposite 10 Downing Street , London SW1 (nearest tube Westminster )
We demand the government:
·         End Israel ’s violations of international law, including ending its illegal occupation and building of settlements
·         Support bringing Israeli war criminals to justice – no attack on universal jurisdiction
·         End the siege on Gaza
·         Ban settlement goods
·         Suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement
·         End the arms trade with Israel
Organised by Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, CND, Palestinian Forum in Britain
Supported by:
Association of the Palestinian Community UK, Friends of Al Aqsa, Friends of Lebanon, the Green Party,  ICAHD UK, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Liberal Democrats Friends of Palestine, Pax Christi, Public and Commercial Services Union, UNISON, UNITE the Union, Zaytoun.
Thursday 1 June
Commemorating the 62nd anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba
1pm to 5pm At Brunei Gallery SOAS Thornhaugh Street , Russell Square , London
Event Hosted by: Middle East Monitor
•The ‘Jewish character’ of the state; its meaning and significance; political discrimination – Talab El-Sana (Member of the Israeli Knesset)
•The Jewish National Fund – Dr Salman Abu-Sitta (Palestinian author and member of the Palestinian National Council)
•An eyewitness account – Ben White (Freelance journalist, author and expert on Palestinian-Israeli relations)
•Facts and realities – Dr Jamal Zahalka (Member of the Israeli Knesset)
•The continued ethnic cleansing of Palestine – Professor Ilan Pappe (Professor of History at the University of Exeter )
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The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) aims to raise public awareness about the occupation of Palestine and the struggle of the Palestinian people. PSC seek to bring pressure on both the British and Israeli government to bring their policies in line with international law. PSC is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from communities across the UK . Join PSC today
Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Tel:   020 7700 6192
Fax:  020 7609 7779
Email: [email protected]

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