Nablus: Three Palestinians Injured during Nazi Military Raid

Israeli occupation forces raid Nablus Old City. (Photo: via Al Mayadeen)

A Palestinian was shot with a live bullet on Wednesday, during Nazi military raid in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported.

Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Palestinian Red Crescent Emergency and Ambulance Department, told WAFA that a Palestinian was shot with a live bullet in the head and the back and was taken to the Rafidia hospital for treatment.

Jibril added that two other Palestinians were injured by shrapnel and received treatment at the scene.

A large Nazi military unit raided Nablus and surrounded its Old City on Wednesday morning, according to WAFA.

Al-Mayadeen reported Palestinian sources as saying that “the occupation forces raided the vicinity of the Old City and besieged a house in Al-Yasmina neighborhood, amid violent confrontations with Resistance fighters as the latter sought to protect their city and people.”

“This comes at a time when the Lions’ Den resistance group announced, on Tuesday, that it raised the state of alert and readiness among its fighters and resistance fighters in Nablus, Ramallah, al-Khalil, and Jenin,” Al-Mayadeen added.

The Palestinian Ministry of Education in Nablus announced a one-hour delay in schools until the Nazi army withdraw from the city in order to guarantee the safety of the students and teachers.

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