Nablus: Nazi Colonizers Cut 600 Trees

Illegal Nazi JEWISH colonizers cut, Saturday, at least six hundred olive and almond trees owned by Palestinians in Deir Shafar village, west of the northern Nazi occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors Nazi’s illegal JEWISH colonialist activities in northern West Bank, said the colonizers invaded farmlands in the al-Harayeq area west of Deir Sharaf, before cutting at least five hundred olive and almond trees.

He added that the lands are close to the illegal Shavei Shomron colony, which was built on stolen Palestinian lands,

Daghlas also said that the Palestinians managed to rehabilitate their lands and prepare them from planting five years ago, after being denied access to them, and planted them with olive and almond trees.

The invaded lands are about 68 Dunams (16.80 Acres) and are owned by the families of Awad Abu Safad, Ghazi Antar, Abdul-Rahim Suleiman, and Noureddin Suleiman.

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