Nablus: Nazi Army Shoots Two Palestinians, Abducts Nine

Nazi occupation forces shot a child in Nablus, abducted six young men in Rujeib village, southeast of the city, in the northern Nazi occupied West Bank, in addition to shooting a young man and abducting three in the Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, northwest of Jericho in the Jordan Valley.

In the predawn hours of Thursday, a large army force invaded the northern West Bank city of Nablus, storming and ransacking many homes, which sparked protests, and armed exchange between resistance fighters and the attacking army.

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Nazi soldiers responded by firing live rounds, shooting a 17-year-old child with live ammunition.

According to medical sources with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society said that the child was shot in the abdomen and was transported to hospital.

It was added that the Nazi army broke into several money exchange shops, confiscated their contents and abducted their owners, the identities of whom were not revealed.

In related news, the army invaded the village of Rujeib, southeast of Nablus, at dawn Thursday, and abducted six citizens.

Nazi soldiers stormed and ransacked several citizens’ homes, including the homes of Muhammad Radi RawajbaAlaa Badie ShuraimIssam Ghassan Abu Al-AdasFaraj Akram RawajbaKarim Saif Rawajba, and Yazan Jumaa Buhi, before abducting them.

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It was reported that occupation forces detained four other young men and subjected them to interrogation before releasing them.

In the Jordan Valley, before dawn Thursday, Nazi troops, accompanied by a bulldozer, stormed the Ein Al-Sultan refugee camp, northwest of Jericho.

Several military vehicles roamed the streets, while Nazi soldiers broke into and ransacked many citizens’ homes, triggering protests, while armed resistance fighters exchanged fire with the army.

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Nazi soldiers opened fire with live ammunition at those who resisted the incursion, shooting a young man in the foot, and then obstructed ambulances from reaching him.

Nazi soldiers invaded and ransacked the homes of the doctor, Salem Muhammad Abu Kharbeesh, 40, Mahmoud Khaled Al-Ramouni, and Ahmed Al-Sarfandi, before abducting them.

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