Nablus: Army To Demolish Four Palestinian Homes

Nazi soldiers invaded, Monday, the town of Rojeeb east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus and handed demolition orders targeting four homes.

Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian official who monitors Nazi’s illegal colonialist activities in northern West Bank, said many army jeeps invaded the Khallet ar-Raje’ area in Rojeeb after surrounding it.

He added that the Nazi soldiers handed Samer Ajjouri, Rafe’ Odeili, Zakariyya Issa, and Azzam al-Kharraz, military orders for the demolition of their homes.

The homes were licensed by the Local Council in Rojeeb, however, the army claims they didn’t receive permits from the so-called “Civil Administration Office,” the administrative branch of the illegal Nazi occupation.

While Nazi regime continues to build and expand its illegal Nazi JEWISH colonies, Palestinian communities, and towns, in occupied Jerusalem, and various areas in the occupied West Bank, continue to be denied the right to build homes and property.

The Nazi regime has been issuing dozens of demolition orders against existing Palestinian homes and property, including under-construction structures, and has already demolished many of them.

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