Muslim group–Christmas day bombings were designed to cause religious wars in Nigeria


by crescentandcross


An Islamic group, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has said that the Christmas day bombings by the Boko Haram sect were calculated move to ignite religious war between Christians and Muslims in the whole country.

“They wish to create mutual suspicion, complete chaos and a total breakdown of law and order,” the group said today in a statement signed by its Director, Dr.Ishaq Akintola.   Akintola,who expressed the group’s shock over the attacks on places of worship, said the development are barbaric, Satanic and absolutely un-Islamic.

He punctured the timing and motive of the attacks, saying the attackers cannot claim that they were avenging the attack on Muslims in Jos during the last Eid il-Fitr on August 30th 2011 which left many Muslims dead because Christians celebrating Christmas earlier on December 25, 2010 were the first to be killed in bomb explosions.

“Nothing in the scriptures of Islam justifies this kind of attack. We therefore assert clearly, unequivocally and unambiguously that Boko Haram is not fighting for Nigerian Muslims,” the statement said.


U.S. to help Nigeria hunt down terrorists who bombed churches on Christmas Day

The Obama administration promised to help Nigeria find the people responsible for a wave of Christmas Day bombings that killed dozens in the oil-rich African nation.

“We have been in contact with Nigerian officials about what appear to be terrorist acts and pledge to assist them in bringing those responsible to justice,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said in a statement.

Boko Haram, a Muslim sect, reportedly claimed responsibility for the attacks — two of which targeted churches. A year ago, the group said it was behind holiday bombings that killed more than 90.

The first explosion occurred as services were ending at St. Theresa’s Church near the capital, Abjua. Yemi Ajayi, a police spokesman, said at least 20 people were killed.

Another blast, at a church in the central city of Jos, capital of Plateau state, killed a policeman, said Pam Ayuba, a spokesman for the state government.

A suspected suicide-bomber rammed a car into the entrance of the State Security Service building in the northeastern city of Damaturu, killing four people and the bomber, Victor Ebhaleme, a spokesman for the military task force in charge of security in the region, said by phone from Maiduguri.

The Boko Haram, a group that draws inspiration from Afghanistan’s Taliban movement, claimed responsibility for the Abuja church attack, the Abuja-based Trust newspaper reported, citing a spokesman for the group, Abu Qaqa. The claim couldn’t be independently verified.

The Vatican denounced the attacks, saying the church bombings were a sign of “cruelty and absurd blind hatred that shows no respect for human life.

Authorities in Africa’s top oil producer blame the Boko Haram for a surge of violence in the mainly Muslim north and Abuja in which hundreds of people have died this year. At least 72 people have been killed in fighting since Dec. 22 between Nigerian security forces and the militant group in the northeastern city of Damaturu, officials said.

Boko Haram, which translates to “Western education is a sin,” claimed responsibility for a suicide car-bomb attack on the United Nations building in the capital on Aug. 26 that killed 24 people. It also claimed several Christmas Eve blasts last year in Jos that left 80 people dead and another blast on New Year’s Eve at an Abuja military barracks that killed at least 12 people.


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